30 DECEMBER 1837, Page 6

Mr. Sharman Crawford has published a letter in reply to

the address of the Birmingham Political Union, declaring" his cordial assent to the views which it expresses." Mr. Crawford says- " The Irish People are now taught to place themselves a humble suppliant on the mercy of the Crown, and to rest their protection on the favour of the Executive, instead of making it their first duty to demand their rights and pone for themselves, which must extort justice from any Executive, and which can be the only safeguards of public liberty. I trust my countrymen will escape front this delusion before it is too late; and that they will feel that their only safe course is, to join with you in contending for " the establishment of principles, not the dominion of persons, for the permanent sway of equal laws, not for the casual influence of a benevolent Governor.' For this object I was humbly contending whilst I had a seat in Parliament; and I now rejoice to find that your Political Union recommends that course of policy to their Irish brethren."

At the Dublin registry which closed on Monday, the Liberals put 375, the Tories 298 new voters on the list.