At a puldie meeting in Peebles, on Tuesday week, a petition for the Ballot was adopted. Mr. Erskine Murray was present, and exhibited Mr. Grote's Ballot-box.
The Edinburgh Observer contains a letter from William Tait, culling upon his fellow citizens to assemble and protest against the treatment of Canada by the Whip; which Mr. Tait denounces tut "unjust, un- lawful, and tyro nn ical." Mr. Tait quotes it passage from ma letter of Lord Stareey when a member of the Whig Opposition, addressed, we suppose, to a person in Cenada Lord Stanley then said—" A cousin- tutional mode is open to the people of addressing fur the removal of
the officers of the Crown, and refusing supplies, if necessary, to support their wishes."
A splendid vase, containing 2,000 guineas, raised by public subscrip. tion, has been presented to Mr. John Wood, Sheriff of Peebleshire, in presence of a large concourse of his fellow citizens, in the Assembly Room, as a tribute of respect for his character, and of gratitude for his long-continued, meritorious, and successful efforts, gratuitously be- stowed, in promoting the education of the children of the humbler classes of Edinburgh.