Sic Exert AWOL FRIDAY APTERNoON. The publication of the official accounts of the disturbances in Canada, and the operations of her Majesty's troop:, has considerably removed the anxiety which existed on Saturday and Monday ; and the money market has assumed a more quiescent state ; the price of Consols having fluctuated within per cent. of 9.2 during the last few days. The payments into the Exchequer, con- sequent upon the termination of the year, have rendered money scarce ; but the premium upon India Bonds and Exchequer Bills has not declined to any extent. The next advice, from Canada are looked for with great anxiety ; as upon then: will depend the future value of Public Securities. In the Foreign Market, Brazilian Bonds have experienced a considerable fluctuation ; intelligence having heeu reeeived front Bahia, of an insurrec- tionary movement among the troops, which ended in the declaration of the independence of that province, and its separation from the rest of the empire. During the first panic that this intelligence occasioned, the Bonds, which were at 79, declined to 72i ; but the price has since recovered, and may be now quoted at N. The value of the Stock will, however, for the present, depend upon the effect this. intelligence will produce upon the foreign holders of these Securities, the principal part of then: being in the bands of Dutch capitalists. If these holders should lning their stuck to market, a considerable decline may be anticipated ; but if they bold litui, the necessity under which the specu- lators for the fall will be of vupplyiug themselves with stock to cover the sales they have already made, will cause a considerable reaction of the market ; and the p, ice may perhaps reach the quotation at which the depression commenced.
'rice Northern Continental Stocks were depressed, but have reacted with the improvement in Consuls, and are now nearly at previous prices. Spanish and Portuguese Bonds have been without material fluctuation, and are both within per ceut. of last acek's prices. South American Securities have given way, and are generally heavy. 'file Railway Shares have improved; the prices at Manchester and Liver. pool leaving tnaintaintel themselves in the face of our depression of last week. The United Brighton have improved toalay : yesterday was the last day fixed for registering, and as the proprietors of 33,000 out of 06,000 Shares have registered, great confidence has thus been given to the holders, and firmness imparted to the market. SATURDAT. TWRINE caCnocie• Conseil for Account opened at 023 have been done at 94, but have since given way to 92i, and are now 02k ,!. 'flee business transacted has, however, been unimportant. Exchequer Bills are the same, 21d 44 to 46; and 2d 43 to 45 premium. In the Foreign Market the only material change has occurred in Brazilian Bonds, which are 7:4 4. 'rho South American Stocks may he quoted as follow — Columbian 2.')1 4; Mexican 26 26k; Peruvian 186 196. The Railway Shares are in demand—London and Birmingham 72 75 premium ; Quarter Shares ditto 216 22 premium ; Southampton 14 13 in.., new shares 126 10 premium; Croydon 19i 2011, new ditto 6 7; United Brighton 4g per share.
Consols have experienced a further decline, and the price has been as low as 92; the market, however, closes buyers at that quotation. The decline is attributed to a rumour that an increase both of the Army and Navy has been determined on. The Northern Continental Stocks are rather flatter; as are the South American Bonds. Railway Shares are heavy: London and Birming. ham have been done at 71 prem. ; United.Brighton are 31 4; and all the other varieties are from 10s. to I/. per share lower than in the morning.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto fin. Account
3 per Cent. Reduced
New 3i per Cent. Anus Slott
Oat I f.,111I Shot
Bank Stock 204} 5
India Stock 266 7 Ditto Bonds
25 24 pm.
Eneherpier Bills ..2}d. 44
46 24 43 45
Belginu 5 per Cents
Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish
Dutch 2* per Cents
Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts
734 4 71 73 53*
29t 30
Ditto 3 per Cent.
Russian (1822) 5 per Cent
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 19S
Deferred Stock
84 71
Passive Ditto