Orders have been issued to add to the strength of
every regiment stationed in the Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, 1 cap- tain, 1 subaltern, and 100 rank and tile, with a proportionate number of non.commissioned officers ; and her Majesty's ships Hastings, Pique, and Inconstant, have, we understand, received instructions to imme- diately proceed to Cork, there to embark for Halifax the above-men- tioned draughts, as also the service companies of the Ninety, third High- landers. It is also confidently rumoured that a brigade of Guards, and the Twenty-third and Seventy-first Regiments, are to be sent out to Canada in the spring, so as to increase our present strength by upwards of .5,0t.t0 men. All officers of regiments stationed there who may be at present on leave have received orders to join without delay. A number of half. pay officers, of various ranks, have also received orders to proceed istimedutely to Canada, for the purpose of being attached to the differeet Militia regiments, to assist in improving their disci- pline, Rat. :1lany embark by the next packer.—Times.