A public meeting on financial reform, promoted by the Financial Reform Association, was held at Edinburgh on Wednesday, ,evening. The meet- ing, composed of persons of all political opinions, was numerous and influ- ential. The Lord Provost presided; Mr. Charles Cowan, M.P., Mr. tPb Ham Chambers, Mr. A. Dinelbei, Mr. Councillor Law; and Mr. Duncan M'Laren, were among the speakers: Arcking the resolutions passed were the three following- " That the national finances are at present in a most unsatisfactory condition; there being not only an excess of :expenditure over revenue, but an enormous waste in various departments of the state.
" That besides the necessity for, retrenchment and a modification of taxation, it is very desirable to bare a more correct method of keeping the public accounts, by which a clear debtor and creditor statement may be presented to the country an- nually.
" That it is expedient to form in Edinburgh a Financial Reform Association, which, acting independently of party, and without aiming at organic changes, shall adopt all lawful and constitutional means for effecting a thorough reform in the national financial affairs."
The new Entail Act is gradually working its way. Notices have been inserted in the newspapers of some eighteen large estates, whose proprietors wish to avail themselves of the relief afforded by its provisions.