30 DECEMBER 1848, page 7

The Arguments In The Case Of Mr. Duffy Were Resumed

in the Dublin Commission Court on Thursday, by Mr. Baldwin for the Crown. Mr. Baldwin contended, that " if the offences of the Treason-Felony Act were now created for the first......

The Berlin Correspondent Of The Morning Chronicle,...

last, says that the accounts from Munster of Prince Waldemar are much More fitvourable, and that his physicians consider the danger to be removed. Last night's Gazette announces......

In The Roman Chamber Of Deputies, On The 18th, The

Ministers tendered their resignations, and requested that they should be accepted by the Cham- bers; but stated they would not absolutely resign till a superior Commission Of......

An Inquest Was Held Yesterday By Mr. Carter On The

bodies of the two boys killed by the crowd at. the Victoria Theatre on Boxing-night. The evidence showed that the boys died from suffocation simply; and the story ascribed to......


SATURDAY. The French National Assembly resumed the discussion of the bill rela- tive to the Salt-tax on Thursday. M. Bourzat moved an amendment, to the effect that the duty......

In The Austrian National Assembly, On The 20th December,...

was elected President in place of Smolka, who acted as President of the Assembly during the period of the Vienna insurrection. This was deemed a Ministerial triumph. The sitting......

Money Market.

STOCK ETCH/MIT, FRIDAY .AZIKKNOON. The English Stock Market was very firm at the commencement of the week; Consols for Account having reached 89. Several large quantities of......