As we go to press, the folio wing letter from
the Queen to her 'people has been published. It is addressed nominally to the Home Secretary. It is a most natural, unaffected, and therefore 'touching 1, thank you " :—" The Queen is very anxious to express her deep sense of the touching sympathy of the whole nation on the occasion of the alarming illness of her dear 801], the Prince of Wales. The universal feeling shown by her people during these painful, terrible days, and the sympathy evinced by them With herself and her beloved daughter, the Princess of Wake, as well as the general joy at the improvement in 'the Prince of Wales's state, have made a deep and lasting impression on her heart which can never be effaced. It was indeed nothing new to her, for the Queen had met with the same -sympathy when just ten years ago a similar illness removed from her side the mainstay of her life, the best, wisest, and kindest of husbands. The Queen wishes to express at the same time on the part of the Princess of Wales her feelings of heartfelt gratitude, for she has boon as deeply touched as the Queen by the great and ;universal manifestation of loyalty and sympathy. The Queen
' cannot conclude without expressing her hope that her faithful :subjects will continue their prayers to God for the complete recovery of her dear son to health and strength."