30 DECEMBER 1871, page 1

There Was An Absurd Paragraph In The .21forning Post Of

Thurs- day, false on its very surface, to the effect that the United States were putting in a claim before the Geneva arbiters likely to amount to something like five hundred......

Prince Bismarck Has Published The Despatch To Count...

on the 7th inst., in which he complained of the acquittal of Tonnelet and Bertin, two Frenchmen accused of mur- dering German soldiers. The despatch is written in the haughtiest......

S The French Papers All Take The Same Tone About

Prince Bis- marck's despatch, one of angry resignation to superior force. None of them clearly acknowledge what M. Thiers at once acknowledged in his opening speech, that the......

As We Go To Press, The Folio Wing Letter From

the Queen to her 'people has been published. It is addressed nominally to the Home Secretary. It is a most natural, unaffected, and therefore 'touching 1, thank you " :—" The......

Mr. Seeretary Fish Has Addressed And Published A Despatch To

Mr. Curtin, United States' Minister at St. Petersburg, which is, we suspect, a curiosity among diplomatic documents. It pro- fesses to be an account of the reasons which induced......

News Of The Week.

T IE Prince of Wales, in spite of pain above the left hip, which on Wednesday produced feverishness, was, up to Friday at (noon, doing well. Sir.Y. Paget, however, load not left......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


We Are Glad To Perceive That Mx. Childers Was Well

enough to address his constituents on Thursday at Pontefract, but his re- covered strength is almost the only interest of his speech. He, of course, praised the conduct of the......