Mr. Seeretary Fish has addressed and published a despatch to
Mr. Curtin, United States' Minister at St. Petersburg, which is, we suspect, a curiosity among diplomatic documents. It pro- fesses to be an account of the reasons which induced President Grant to request M. Catacazy to quit America, and is really a formal charge against him of having stirred up a party against the Washington Government ; of having aocused the President of corruption in presenting the "Perkins' claim " against the Russian Government ; of "having made himself busy in Boutin and out of season to obstruct" the Alabama Treaty. ; and of having, when asked for explanation, told a good many deliberate falsehoods, denying, for example, that he wrote articles which be did write. We must leave the personal charges till M. Catacazy replies, but we have noticed the curious failure of Russian diplomacy in America else- where, and have here only to add that the Government of St. Petersburg seems, on the whole, to be sustaining M. Catacazy. The St. Petersburg journals are instructed to say the dispute is "personal merely," and M. Catacazy was ordered to present the Grand Duke Alexis at a reception at the White House, said to have been in consequence "most chilly."