30 DECEMBER 1871, Page 2

The Paris correspondent of the Times has done what we

wish all newspaper correspondents would condescend to do,—he has sent the Budget of the country to which he is accredited in " dry figures," arranged in a table, and without comment. Consequently, it is intelli- gible, as far as it goes. It appears that the ordinaryrevenue of France for 1872 will be £97,174,500, and the total expenditure, including everything, local as well as general, 2109,438,000, leaving a defi- ciency of £12,263,500 to be made up by new taxes. Reductions have been made, particularly one of 12,809,800 on public works, but 13,025,100 have been added to the Ministry at War, and the total of the enormous sum is thus expended :— Interest and Dead Weight


War 18,002,000 Marine 5,906,700 Justice 1,343,000 Foreign Affairs 499,400 Interior 5,975,800 Finance 811,600 Education, Worship, and Art 3,815,500 Agriculture and Commerce 642,400 Public Works 5,225,000 Collection of Taxes 9,533,500 Departments 12,826,000 Deductions 465,100 Total £109,488,000