30 DECEMBER 1905, Page 2

M. de Noussanne, a well-known French journalist, con- tributes to

the Echo de Paris two interviews which he recently held in Berlin with Count Reventlow (the Pan-German leader) and Prince d'Arenberg. Count Reventlow frankly declared that Germany ought to be master of the Sultan's Empire. France might have the interior, but "we must have the Moorish littoral on the Atlantic, and the realisation as well of all our desires, in the forefront of which is Austria governed by a German Prince and transformed into a Con- federated State." They would take Bohemia on the way ; the case of Hungary would be considered, but they would seize Trieste and the Trentino. "In America, too, there is Brazil, and in Asia* Turkey Mesopotamia. Moreover, Luxemburg, Belgium, and Holland cannot but revert to us." When his interlocutor hinted the possibility of opposition, Count Reventlow replied that in any case they did not fear France, which under a Republic was negligible, and gaily suggested that if the French wanted a Prince the Kaiser's third son, Prince Adalbert, would fit them like a glove.