Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice suois Books of as week as haus not been ressmd for review in other forms.] Gleanings and Reminiscences. By Thomas Ellison. (Henry Young and Sons,......
Whitaker's Almanack For 1996 (12 Warwick Lane, Is. Net) Has
now, we see, attained its thirty - seventh year, a vigorous age, to which it is not unequal. Every issue has something in the way of improvement, some new approach to......
• Facts And Fancies. By C. C. Bombaugh, A.m. (j.
B. Lippincott. 10s. 6d. net.)—Here is a book out of which a diner-out may well supply himself with materials for conversation. The first two chapters, it is true, are American;......
Letters And Exercises Of John Conybeare. Edited By F. C.
Conybeare, M.A. (H. Frowde. 10s. 6d. net.)—John Conybeare was schoolmaster at Molten and Swinbridge, in Devonshire, in the last decades of the sixteenth century, and he left a......
The Russian Court In The Eighteenth Century.
The Russian Court in the Eighteenth Century. By Fitzgerald Molloy. 2 vols. (Hutchinson and Co. 245. net.)—This belongs to a class of books which it is difficult to appreciate.......
The Journal Of Education. (william Rice. 7s. 6d.) — This,...
is the thirty-seventh year of the Journal. Physical man is at his best, according to Aristotle, at thirty-five ; intellectual man at forty-nine; hence our contemporary is very......
Hazel's Annual. Edited By W. Palmer, B.a. (ha.zell,...
Viney. 3s. 6d. net.)—This periodical (which attains its majority with the year 1906) describes itself as "a cyclopaedic record of Men and Topics of the Day." It spreads,......