Brock (W. J.), Sanitary Laws of Scotland and Principles of Public Health, 12mo (Oliver & Boyd) net 7/6
Footpath Way (The), 12mo ( uli ) net tj2 Green (W. C.), Memories of Eton and King's, Cr 8vo (SpottisF s
wOode) net Howell (A. R.), A Harvest of Idleness, cr bvo (Simpkin) net 2/6 Lewis (C. J. & J. N.), Natality and Fecundity, 8vo (Oliver & Boyd) net 7/6 Lyrists of the Restoration: Sherburne to Congreve, 32mo...(Eichards) net 3/6
Maclean (J. K.), Triumphant Evangelism, 8vo (Marshall Bros.) net 3/6
Mitchell (Mrs. M.), Sixty Years Ago, Cr 8vo (Macniven & Wallace) net 2/6 To Modern Maidens, by a Modern Matron, cr 8vo (G. A. Morton net 3/6 Whiting (L.), The Joy that No Man Taketh from You (Gay & Bird) net 2/6 Williams (hf. C.), Letters and Talks to Girls, cr 8vo (C HKelly) 3,6