The Woman—Bless Her. By Marjory MacMurchy. (S. B. Gandy, Toronto.
Humphrey Milford. Al net.) —Anappeal to women for proper recognition of their work in war and reconstruction. It is addressed primarily to the women of Canada, but can be read with benefit by women in the other Dominions and in Britain. " The most useful economic and social war and reconstruction work that each woman can do," says Miss MacMurchy, " will be found more readily if she can define the economio and social duty of the class to which she belongs." To this end she divides women into categories. Every woman " is either a married woman, fully occupied or with some leisure ; or a woman in paid em- ployment ; or a angle woman working at home, fully occupied or with some leisure ; or she is in training ; or she belongs to a leisured class." The writer proceeds to study the particular work in each category, to estimate its value to the nation, and to show where it can be developed and extended.