30 DECEMBER 1916, page 1

Pessimists Not Only Here But In The Other Allied States

will after this Order, we trust, feel thoroughly ashamed of their fears. Though they have never gained the ear of the British people or shaken their confidence in Russia, they......

News Of The Week.

C HRISTMAS week, 1916 ; has been distinguished by three great events—President Wilson's Note, the Tsar's magnificent message to his soldiers in the field, and lastly, but for us......

The Tsar Goes On :— "the Timo Has Not Yet

arrived. The enemy has not yet been driven out of the provinces occupied by her. The attainment by Russia of the tasks created by the war—the regaining of Constantinople and the......

The Event Is From The Constitutional Point Of View...

the greatest that has ever taken place in the Empire. If we cannot yet see all the results that may flow from it, we realize that the foundations of what will some day be a......

President Wilson Has Of Course A Perfect Right To Make

any suggestions, or ask any questions, that he may think proper. But the sting of his Note for the Allies, and especially for Great Britain and France, lay in the reasons which......

* * * The Editor Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...


On Wednesday It Was Announced That On Christmas Day The

Government invited the Prime Ministers of the self-governing Dominions to attend a series of special and continuous meet- ings of the War Cabinet "in order to consider urgent......

As At Present Advised, This Seems To Us A Very

sound way of getting over the Indian difficulty. It is no good to pretend that the great Empire of India, for which the British nation is in a most real and literal sense the......

On The Eve Of Christmas President Wilson Astonished The...

by issuing a Note to all the belligerent Powers, in which he " suggests that an early occasion be sought to call out from all the nations now at war such an avowal of their......