30 DECEMBER 1922, Page 1

The Papal Encyclical letter which was published last Saturday deplores

the continuance of the dark clouds of hatred, mutual distrust and hostility which shroud the public affairs of nations, great and small, conquerors and conquered. In a somewhat conventionally worded passage in regard to the decline of morality in the family and in the individual the Pope calls for the Peace of Christ. In conclusion, he repeats the customary protest against the position of the Italian State with regard to the Papacy. " Though the Church," says the Pope, " does not interfere in purely earthly - affairs, it cannot allow the civil powers on this account to detract from the rights given her by God." We are sure that His Holiness means well, and though the traditions of the Vatican are not (to put it in its mildest form) super- tolerant, we are quite• willing. to believe that he is himself a tolerant man and truly anxious that peace and good will should prevail.