30 DECEMBER 1922, page 26

Cambridge University Calendar, 1922-1923. (cambridge...

THE HISTORICAL REGISTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. (Same Publisher. 8s. 6d.) The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have very wisely decided " to lighten the......

Proserpine And Midas. By Mary Shelley. (milford. 8s. 6d....

Shelley's centenary is also made the excuse for the publica- tion of Proserpine and Midas. These two mythological dramas (hitherto unpublished) have been edited by A. Koszul......

Punjab Canal Gazetteers : Vols. I. And Ii. (lahore :

Punjab Government Printing Office. 3s. 10d. and 6s.) These excellent Reports, which deal respectively with the Lower Jhelum Canal and the Triple Canals, give a clear and......

Why Europe Leaves Home. By Kenneth L. Roberts. (t. Fisher

Unwin. 12s. 6d.) WHY EUROPE LEAVES HOME. By Kenneth L. Roberts. (T. Fisher Unwin. 12s. 6d.) If the reader can bear up long enough under the multiple reduplication of ideas in......

To Tel You The Truth. By Leonard Merrick. (hodder And

Stoughton. 7s. 6d. net.)—A series of short stories dealing chiefly with life in Paris. These are just suffi- ciently interesting to provide a useful fictional anaesthesia for......

Already The Centenary Of Shelley's Death Has Been The...

of a notable selection from his poetry, handsomely printed. The Florence Press now gives us The Dramatic Poems of Shelley, printed with wide margins and bold letter- press, on......

Some Books Of The Week.

( Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.) The number of books—even the number of good books— dealing with the New Psychology from every point of......

Pope Pius Xi. (daniel O'connor.)

This slim volume, well printed, copiously illustrated and delightfully bound in blue and white, contains a biographical sketch of Pope Pius XI. by His Eminence Cardinal Gasquet,......

This Book, Which Will Be Recommended By The Author's Name,

is written from the Evangelical standpoint But Bishop Knox, whose influence was exerted on the side of moderation during the recent controversy on the subject of inspiration......

The Foundations Of American Nationality.

This first volume of " A Short History of the American People " is by the Professor of History at the University of Illinois, and brings the history of the Republic down to......

People Who Share The Reviewer's Partiality For Puzzles,...

than serious students of the art of solving cyphers, will find a real feast in Mr. Macbeth's translation of Andre Langie's work on Cryptography. This is not, nor does it set out......