This book, which will be recommended by the author's name,
is written from the Evangelical standpoint But Bishop Knox, whose influence was exerted on the side of moderation during the recent controversy on the subject of inspiration which disturbed the Church Missionary Society, is not a Die-Hard, and it is probable that younger men who start from his position will find themselves carried further in the critical direction than he is prepared himself to go. They will have high authority for their advance. Hooker, whose work was almost exactly contemporary with Bacon's Homan Organum, lays down a principle of sufficient latitude : " It is not to be required, nor can be exacted at our hands, that we should yield unto anything other assent than such as doth answer the evidence which is to be had of that we assent unto." In other words, even the statements of Scripture are subject to the ordinary laws of evidence, and as knowledge advances these have become more precise.