30 DECEMBER 1922, Page 14

THE " SPECTATOR'S " CIRCULATION. [To the Editor of the

SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I add my sincere congratulations to the Spectator for its new type, and say how greatly it is appreciated by those who, like myself, are suffering from weak sight. It is always a pleasure to read the Spectator, but it is greatly in- creased from a physical point of view when the print is clear and can be read without a sense of strain. I may say that I have always bought my Spectator, and do not avoid or elude my duty to support a paper which is one of the few which are quite fearless and write in the true interests of our country.

My Spectator is sent every week to one who is too poor to procure a copy for himself, and is again sent on to someone else. The figures you give of your circulation of sold copies are quite ridiculous in proportion to the real number of your readers. For instance, my copy is read by three people, and no doubt more, each week. It would be more correct, and give a better idea of your real circulation, to say that it enters three different households every week, in three different counties, and, as I have said above, probably more. With all good wishes for your success.—I am, Sir, &c., EDGAR H. S. BARNES-AUSTIN.

" Savernake," Grantley Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth.