30 DECEMBER 1922, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Your timely article on " Communist Sunday Schools " will, no doubt, startle a great many readers, and the remedy suggested by the writer of the article will perhaps comfort them. But an evil generated in Sunday Schools calls for more immediate treatment than Parliament can provide. Nothing can replace the positive Christian instruction of children, large numbers of whom are, on Sundays, at the disposal of anyone who will teach them. Yet the Sunday Schools of the Church of England, and many others, are languishing for want of earnest and intelligent people willing to devote a trifle of their leisure to this service, which, as your writer shows, is of incalculable importance to the country.—I am, Sir, &c., E. G. SWAIN. The Rectory, Greenford, Middlesex.