30 DECEMBER 1922, Page 3

But though the Charity Organization Society very properly salts its

good sense with wit, it still is true to its great ideal—i.e., that in charity the indispensable part is not money, but mind.

" The plague of mendicancy can only be cured by people taking their charity seriously, and believing that it has a social force which has a wide influence, both for good or for evil, and by schooling themselves to a new sincerity and to a higher purpose. This is the beginning of Charity and of Charity Organization. This is our aim and our ideal."

And yet such is the irony of circumstance that this great truth needs money to bring it home to men's brains. In a word, the Charity Organization Society asks for support. We endorse its demand whole-heartedly and unreservedly, There is no better charity than this. Caritas Caritatunt. Cheques should be sent to H. L. Woollcombe, Esq., Secretary of the Charity Organization Society, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W. 1.