ACROSS z. 'Hurrah . . it is a frost! the dahlias are dead' (—) (7, 5) 9. Is it of the period of Midas? (6, 3) zo. Of what use is an old-fashioned weeper? (5) II. Disliking intensely the old girl clutching cash (6) 12. Neat carpentry observed by Noah as his scout took off? (8) 13. Deposit from a couple of seamen (6) 15. Mr F, who had an Aunt (8) 18. Coats wanted for these wan little creatures (8) 19. They're on horseback at dinner! Toast them! (6) 21. Time for an extra day per month (43 4) 23. His Missus was a well-known lecturer (6) 26. Named in turn to put things right (5) 27. Poetic member of the Pioneer Corps? (9) 28. It was fit for a future princess! (5, 7) DOWN I. Put on such airs, tummy! (4-3) 2. Riparian Egyptian (5) 3. In a word, ambush (3, 2, 4)
4. 'The — is going, let him go' (Te, -iyson) (4)
5. Her turn to approach the Royal Irish Con- stabulary with eloquence! (8) 6. Powerful figure among the Allies (5) 7. Whence to expect a warm Christmas welcome (4, 3) 8. 'On threats of Hell and Hopes of —' (Omar Khayyam) (8) 14. Let once more when derequisitioned? (9) 16. Indian cot conceals foreign peasants (9) 17. Arrests those who have diplomatic immunity? (8) 18. Two friends with a handy look (7)
20. Woolly-minded countryman! (7) 22. A cry from the mountains (5)
24. The archaeologist's activity from start to finish (33 2) 25. Little brothers of the spheres (4) Solution next week