Sir,—the Church Of En G Land Is Traditionally Self-...
teach it much about offerin g the other cheek to critics, whether from within or with- out. Of course much of the criticism is justified and it may be that all is fair in love......
A Christmas Sermon
- L -1 L_ J L _.1 ....= - -E - - Lr JL From : Rev R. F. Dossetor, Rev C. G. 14/ ilson, 1. M. Cobban, Charles Chenevix Trench, the Countess of Lauderdale, T. C. Skeffington-......
Sir,—mr Auberon Waugh Has Favoured Us With A Christmas...
May I recommend to him a New Year parable? It is that of the Pharisee and the Publican. 'God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are . . . even as this Anglican.'......
Sift,—the Church Of England Is, Of Course, Vulner- Able...
than it ought to be) to the sort of attack made upon it by Auberon Waugh. Nevertheless, his article is a reminder of how thankful we should be that the C of E with all its many......
Who's Playing Walter Mitty ?
SIR,-1 really cannot allow the jibe and quite untrue statement made by Alan Watkins in his comment on my letter this week that 'I have been out of active politics so long that I......
Sir,—what A Highly Pessimistic, Not To Say Bitter,...
Mr Waugh rightly says he can be accused of arrogance. 'I would rejoice to see the Orthodox back. in the fold.' Yes, indeed—there can be no genuine unity and peace in Christendom......
The Empire Of Make-believe
SIR,--A most pernicious lobby is at work in London—and the SPECTATOR seems to be one of its leaders. This lobby argues not just that the Commonwealth is a useless institution,......