30 JANUARY 1858, Page 19


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANDABT 26. Partnerships Dissolood.-Millgate and James, Gresham Streot-Lone said Rigby, Liverpool, corn-brokers-Grellier and Co. New Broad Street, silk-brokers ; as far as regards R. Grellier-Toker and Gregory, Doctors' Commons, proctors--Greaves and Co. Dewsbury, Yorkshire, blanket-manufacturers ; as far as regards Joshua Greaves -The Brithdir Colliery and Coke Company, Newport, Monmouthshire ; as far as regards W. James and W. T. H. Phelps-Wood and Chadwick. Rochdale, woollen- waste-dealers-Musgrave and Rodgers, Leeds, stone-merobants-Lefroy and Whit- ten, Robert Street, Adelphi, attorneys-Walker and Co. Newcastle-upon- chemists-Beeves and Miskin, Dartford, brewers-Long and Son, Richmond, Our- rep, bricklayers-Dunn and Co. Pendleton, Manchester, engineers-Eyres and Co. Leeds, and Milk Street, Cheapside, cloth-merchants-Cook and Stevens, Gray's Ian Square, attorneys-Hely and Waring, Oxford Street, glass-merchants-Wildash and Campbell, Kent, surgeons--Southam and Co. Manchester, oil-merchants -Harrison and Taylor, Hadlow, Kent, and elsewhere, maltsters and farmers- Moore and Clark, High Holborn, manufacturers-H. and H. Isaacs, South Shields, jewellers-Cole and Bryant, Bristol, horse-dealers-Hebden and Whittaker, Little Bolton, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Roberts and Co. Manchester, grease-manti- facturers-Foot and Co. Spital Square, silk-manufacturers ; as far as eegarde G. W. and H. Foot. Bankrupts.-HENRY HOLMES WooereLL and LOWEN GIMBER, Aldermanbury, sta- tioners, to surrender Feb. 2, March 4 : solicitor, Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; offi- cial assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. ABRAHAM Jams ASTON, Stoford, Wiltshire, cattle-dealer, Feb. 4, March 5: soli- citors, Bothemley and Freeman, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. EPHRAIM BABEL, Coleman Street, merchant, Feb. 4, March 5: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ;official aseignee, Johnson, Basing/Ian Street. Winaotat BERTRAM GoRnorr, Regent Street, hosier, Feb. 4, March 5: -solicitor, Edmunds, St. Bride's Avenue, Fleet Street ; official assignee, Ciuman, Aldermen- bury. MARCO FERNANDES, Devonshire Square, Bishopegate, importerof foreign sand, Feb. 5, March 5 : solicitors, Solornons, Firusbury Place ; official assignee, Whitmore. Basinghell Street. FREDERIC FINNLS and AIR/LAND= Measles, John Street, Elimmies, provisidn- merchants, Feb. 5, March 9 : solicitor, Helmer junior, Bucklerebury ; official assig- nee, Edwards, Baeinghall Street. Arm Ifeeeres, Northumberland Street, Strand, and Cannon Row, lodeing-konse- -keeper, Feb. 5, March 9-: solicitor, Hand, Gracechurch Street; officaalassignoe, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. Joan Yennio, Bliston, Staffordshire, roll-turner, Feb. 5, 25: solicit/us,. James and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Kinnear, Birmingham. Wirauen Sea:sone, Coventry', riband-manufacturer, Feb. 5, 25 : solicitors, Brow- ett, Coventry; James and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Kinnear, Bir- mingham. ERNES Winnons, Entitle, Stafibrdshire, hotel-keeper, Feb. 10, March 3: solici- tors, Neve, Wolverhampton; James and Knight, Birmingham; -official assignee, Kinnear, Thompson. Birmingham, WrtmeaThompson.Birmingham, coal-dealer, Feb. 8,March 1: solicitor, Reeves, Birmingham; official assignee, Kimrear, Birmingham. WiLtraat GERBARD, Bnrslem, Staffordshire, grocer, Feb. 8, March 8: solicitors, Bowen, Stafford ; Wright, Birmineham ; °literal assignee, Whitmore, Binningkara. GHOHOE LANCASHIRE, Castle Donington, Leicestershire, silk-manufacturer, Feb. 9, March 2: solicitor, Killen; Castle Donington ; official assignee, Harris, Not- tingham. MARTIN Lie-ram:ex, Nottingharn,,lace-manufacturer, Feb.9, March 9: solicitor, Maples, Nottingham; official assignee, }Innis, Nottingham. JAMES and HIRCHT Bwavr.a, Bristol, builders, Feb. 8, March 8: solicitor, Barker, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol, Jost; Movers, Rhynaney, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, linen-draper, Feb. 9, March 9 : solicitor, Trenorry, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol. Wtteran Tintinholl, Soinersetshire, farmer, Feb. 4, March 4-: solicitors, Leach and Son, Martock; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtsel, Exeter. Phenix and JAMES NorraLL, Rochdale, flannel-manufacturers, -Feb. 13, March 5: solicitor, Standring junior, Rochdale; official assignee, Heineman, Manchester. BERGIVIRD ARON, Manchester, general merchant, Feb. 8, March 5: solicitor, Southern, Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. JOHN BROADBENT, Manchester, urebrella-mamtfacturer, Feb. 10, March : so- licitors, Boot and Jellieorse, Manchester; official assignee, POH, Manchester. WILLIAM HARBISON, North Shields, ship-chandler, Feb. 8, March 19: aolioitors, Holmes and Co. London • Finley, North Shields; Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Dividend.-Feb. 16, Samson, Houndsditch, merchant-Feb. 17, Lake,,,Banbury, tailor-Feb. -16, Jewell, Willow Walk, Itermenhaey, and Albany Road, CamberwobL builder-March 9, Burton, Nottingham, timber-merchant-March 9, Soift, Bourn, Lincolnshire, grocer-March 9, Billson, Leicester, bookseller-Feb. 23, Wakeffelle, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, baker-Feb. 26, Roe, Nottingham, machine-builder-Feb, 23, Doughty, Castle Donington, builder-March 9, Allen and Holmes. Derby, oak- throwsters-Feb. 13, Marlow, Walsall, iron-founder-Feb. 10, Begot, Liverpool, woollen-draper-Feb. 8, M'Imunan, Liverpool, shawl-warehouseman-Feb. TS, Beckett, Liverpool, ourrier-Feb. 16, Taylor and Hoyle, Vale Mill, Bacup,.and Manchester, cotton-spinners-Feb. 18, Mann, Plymouth, ironmonger-Feb. IS, Cumming, Plymouth, brewer-Feb. 19, Wakinshaw, Menkocarzoeuth, Durham, iron-manufacturer--Feb. 19, Seamann, North Shields, ship-chandler-Feb. 517, Keeney, Great-Grimsby, ship-builder. Certificates to be 'resist:I unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting-Feb. 17, William, Beer Lane, City, shippiug-agart-Feb. 17, Deism, Edwards Street, Portman Square, and Oar-ford Street, bakes-Flub. 16, Lernpart, Brunswick Place, City Road, and Fenchurch Street, 'general merchant-Feb. 17, Palmer Payernent, -Finsbury, laceman-Feb. 17, Wright, Barbican, 'tobacco- manufacturer-Fob. 17, Gutteridge, Wilton, Salisbury, inn-keeper-Feb. 17, lInnt- ley, Cliftenville, Hove, Brighton, and elsewhere, sbipowner-Feb. Peterson, Russell Street, Rotherhithe, ship-chandler-Feb. 17, Thurgood, Orchard Street, Kentish Town, builder-Feb. 16, Moseley, °centimes, and other places, Lincoln- shire, Great Vine Street, Regent Street, dentist-Feb. 23, Cure, Bristol, builder- March 2, Sayer, Bristol, corn-factor. Declarations of Diridencl s.-Innes, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry, merchant; second div. of 10d. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Ed- wards, Basinghall Street-Hyde, South Parade, Chehsea, surgeon; first div. 1)f 3s. 74. an Wednesday neat and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Alderman- bury-Popplowell and Goff, time Street, merchants; first div. of Ls. any %hum- day ; Stanefeld, Basinghall Street-Gittins, Hart Street, Grosvenor Square, inxo- monger ; first div. of 10s. anyThursday ; Stansfold, Haeinghell Street-Townsend, Leiceeter, manufacturer of hosiery; flret div. 'of 4s. on Monday next and following Monday; Harris, Nottingham-Capone, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer; first div. of 3s-f3d. on Monday next and two following Mondays; Harris, Nottingham-Tom- linson, Nottingham, timber-merchant; first-div. of 3s. on Monday. next and follow- ing Monday; Harris, Nottingham-Atkinson, Lincoln, agricultural-implement- dealer ; -first div. of 6s. any 'lliursdat ; Carric.k, Hull-Stephenson, Wintertime, Lincolnshire, inn. keeper ; final div. of 2s. lOid. any Thursday; Carriok, Hull--Cavr and Co. Denton, coal...owners ; first div. of 2s. lid. any Saturday; Baker, Now- castlewpon-Tyne-Hair, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker: second div. of es. M. Tin nadition to5s. previously declared.) any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Scotch Segne.9trations.-.6,1exander, Sotstlumair of Kirriemuir, cattleolonher,Peb. 1-M'Indoe, Dumbreck, Renfrcwshire, gardener, Feb.ot-tabb, Glasgow, weight,

Jan. 29-Elliot, Glasgow, commission-agent, Jan. 29-Henderson and Dixon, Glas- gow, commission-merchants, Feb. 2-Finlayson, Kincardine, merchant, and Glas- gow, wine-merchant, Feb. 4-Benton, Glas,gow, wool-merchant, Feb. 2-Fulton, Airdrie, spirit-dealer, Feb. 2.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 29. Partnerships Dissolred .-Smith and Co. Brighton-Negroponte and Co. Brad- ford, Yorkshire, merchants-Dawe and Co. Callington, Cornwall, linen-drapers- Kirkbride and Allison, Sunderland, coal-fitters-The Frodsham Ropery Cxsany, Frodsham, Cheshire-The Commercial Iron-works, Lowestoft ; as far as re s Barnes-Farmer and Standerwick, Mason Street and Mead Place, Lambeth, sculptors--Gossage and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, soap-manufacturers-Forrester and Goodreid, Stoke-upon-Trent, iron-founders-Tattersall and Baron, Burnley, Lancashire, cotton-waste-dealers-Peck and Spink, Hull, tailors-Burroughs and Newbold. Derby, newspaper-printers, &e.-Smith and Read, High Street, White- chapel, carpenters-Jones and Jackson, Stoke-upon-Trent, commission-agents- Lowe and Co. Bolton, Lancashire, coal-dealers-Douglas and Beckett, Sandiway, Northwich, Cheshire, builders-Molineux and Co. Manchester, silk-manufacturers -Dyson and Smith, Bradford, Manchester, manufacturers-Hinde and Fearon, Liverpool, corn-dealers-Hooper and Aldersey, Buntingford, Hertfordshire, sur- geons-Fisher and Green, Vauxhall and Cliffe, Kent, potters-Calvert and Garnett, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, or elsewhere, machine-makers-Steele and Son, Langton, Staffordshire, wine-merchants-Fletcher and Smith. Sheffield, painters-Peach and Davies, Llantwit-juxta-Neath, Glamorganshire, and elsewhere, contractors-Morley and Co. Gutter Lane and Carey Lane, Cheapside, warehousemen ; as far as regards J. Morley-Vining and Raymond, Yeovil, Somersetshire, glove-manufacturers- Smith and Agate, Maidstone, furniture-dealers- Beebee and Aldred, Manchester, brewers-Lemermer Brother*, Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailors-Daglish and Ismay, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, chemists-Walker and Hawthorn, Moorgate Street, tailors-J. and J. Fishwick, Chesham, Bury, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturers- Pilkington and Co. Hetton Hill Mill, Radcliffe Bridge, and Summitt Mill, Hey- wood, Lancashire, cotton-spinners. Bankruptcies Annulled.-TUOYAS FLANCIS, Lamb's Place, Kingsland Road, builder.

Jonas VlimAss, Walsall, Staffordshire, timber-mercLant.

Taos...a MILLINGTON PRITCHAR.D and Tilos es Hu:au:sox, Liverpool, riee-mer- chants.

Bankrupts.—CRANBROOK Jonas WHITNALL, Canterburv, tailor, to surrender Feb. 9, March 16: solicitor, Huson, King Street, Cheapside ; Official assignee, Lee, Alder- manbury. WILLux WOOD, Milton-next-Gravesend, builder, Feb. 11, March 12: solicitors, Knight, Essex Court, Temple ; Arnold, Gravesend; official assignee, Cannan, Alder- manbury. EDWARD JOHN \WILLIAMS, Upper East Smithfield, ship-owner, Feb. 19, March 12: solicitors, Goles, Lime Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingliall Street. JAMES FRESHWATER, Poultry, tea-dealer, Feb. 11, March 12: solicitor, Stopher, Cheapside ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldennanbury.

HENRY Tom, Dean Street, Soho, tin-plate-worker, and Cranbounie Street, milliner, Feb. 12, March 12: solicitors, Bell and Co. Abchurch Lane ; official as- signee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.

Iln.Nrkv Scorr, Ellsworth, Cambridgeshire, draper, Feb. 10, March 22: solicitor, Chidley, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. Thomas Bmuns, Reading, victualler, Feb. 9, March 12: solicitor, Dalton, King's Arms Yard; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. JOHN DALES, Pimlico, and Louth, Lincolnshire, builder, Feb. 16, March 12 solicitor, Chidley, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basingball Street. CILARLES 1:Irma:tux, Warwick, victualler, Feb. 11, March 4: solicitors, Tibbits, Gray's Inn ; Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. Dsvm WADDINGTON AMBLER, Tunstall, Staffordshire, draper, Feb. 8, March 10: solicitors, Cooper, Tunstall ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. Wu.Ltut and Wreuais Tossixsox RILEY, Bilston Sedgley, and Walsall, iron- masters, Feb. 15, March 19: solicitors, Brown, Bilston ; James and Knight, Bir- mingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham.

Joan Coos, Birmingham, spirit-merchant, Feb. 13, March 1$: solicitors, James and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Kinnear, Birmingham.

HENRY BAKER, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, Feb. 11, March 11: solicitors, Bewley and Ashwell, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham. SairrEL HOLLAND Bamos, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, Feb. 11, March 11: solicitor, Helm, Derby; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham. Tlionza and JOHN Hossr.u.t, Shipley, Yorkshire, machine-makers, Feb. 11, March 5: solicitors, Caries and Cudworth, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds.

Marrnsw and Jong Baowx, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers, Feb. 16, March 16: solicitors, Bentley and Wood, Bradford ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds.

JAMES FRANCE, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer, Feb. 15, March 15: solicitors, Floyd and Learoyd, Huddersfield; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. BERNARD THEODOR Resew:cone, Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 18, March 5: soli- citors, Evans and Son, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. ROBERT COOKE, Liverpool, hatter, Feb. 15, March 1: solicitor, Williams, Liver- pool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. Diridends.-Feb. 20, Jewell, High Street, Shadwell, and St. George Street East, clothier-Feb. 20, Jessop, Cliftonville Hove, Sussex, builder-Feb. I9,W. and H. Wil- son, Foley Place, Portland Place, bookbinders-Feb. 22, Cooper, High Street, Mary- lebone, upholsterer-Feb. 19, W. and L. S. Baker, Church Street, Camberwell, mil- liners-Feb. 22, Hills, Milton Street, Gravesend, grocer-Feb. 19, Pervanoglu, Union Court, Old Broad Street, merchant-Feb. 22, Dodds, Wenlock Road, and Leadenhall Street, engineer-Feb. 22, Langlands, Dartford, grocer-Feb. 23, Tees- dale, Boston, horse-dealer-Feb. 25, Ilorrox, Prestwich-cum-Oldham, Lancashire, drysalter-Feb. 35, Baps, Gloucester, wooLstapler-Feb. 23, Hall, Newcastle- npon-Tyne, corn-factor-Feb. 23. Hindhaugh and De Neumann, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, umber-merchants-Feb. 19, Sisson, York, grocer-Feb. 19, Potter, Eller- burn, Yorkshire, grocer-Feb. 19, Craven, Leeds, corn-factor-Feb. 20, Oliver, Kim- berworth, Yorkshire, miller.

Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.7.Feb.19, Baker, Southampton, coal-merchant-Feb. 19, Bull, St. MaryAse, vinegar-merchant-Feb. 22, Nelson, Chapel Place, Oxford Street, auctioneer, and Fenchurch Street, wine-merchant-Feb. 19, Sanders, Doughty Street and Brownlow

Mews, Gray's Inn Road, builder—Feb. 23, M. Seymour, Llangenneck, Carmarthen- shire, and Bodridge Colliery, Durham, and M. Seymour, Rodridge Colliery, Dur-

ham, brick-makers--Feb. 22, Pickford, Manchester, commission-agent—Feb. 19, Morro:, Prestwich-cum-Oldham, Lancashire, dry-salter-Feb. 19, Shaw, Dukin- field, Cheshire, machine-maker-Feb. 22, Baynes, Liverpool and Cork, ship-owner - Feb. 22, Harrison, Runcorn, Cheshire, rope-maker-Feb. 18, Ledward, Liverpool, ship-broker-Feb. 19, Wood and Tarrant, Liverpool, merchants-Feb. 19, Blackett, Leeds, grocer-Feb. 19, Woodhead, Halifax, inn-keeper-Feb. 19, Rawnsley, Hali- fax, brush-manufacturer-Feb. 19, Meyers, Leeds, grocer-Feb. 20, Ba.ber, Dun - ston Derbyshire, cattle-dealer-Feb. 19, Swift, Huddersfield, draper-Feb. 20, Marlin, Sheffield, watch-maker-March 5, Gould, Leamington Priors, bookseller- ' March 5, Gostlow, Waleall, victualler-Feb. 22, Polak, Birmingham, picture-dealer - Feb. 22, Johnson, Westbromwich, victualler-Feb. 23, Billson, Leicester, book- seller-Feb. 23, Roberts, Leicester, bookseller-Feb. 22, Allport, Millwich, Stafford- shire, butcher-Feb. 22, Whiston and Wildsmith, Wolverhampton, chemists-Feb. 23, Tnrton, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer-Feb. 23, Butler, Nottingham, lace- manufacturer.

Declarations of Dicidends.-Budden, Basingstoke, tailor ; first div. of 3s, 10d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Moss Somer's Place, New Road, coach- broker ; first div. of Sid. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Syers, Ball Alley, Lombard Street, and Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of lls. 11d, on the sepa- rate estate, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Greig, Bartlett's Buildings, WLeatsheaf Yard, Farringdon Street, cabinet-maker ; second div. of ls. 4d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Dockree, Percival Street, Goswell Street, wane-merchant; first div. of 3s. 2d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street- Folkard, Jermyn Street, St. James's, tailor ; second div. of 31d. any Tuesday ; Ni- cholson,Basinghall Street-M'alillan, Bennett Street, Blackfriars Road, draper; second die. of 61d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basingball Street-White, Shadwell, miller ; second div. of 10 1-13d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednes- days ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Green, Sunderland , rope-manufacturer ; first div. of 71d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Aldermanbury-Warner, Wolverhampton, shoe-manufacturer ; first div. of 2s. 61d. any Friday ; Whitmore, Bir- mingham-Robinson, Macclesfield, hosier • first div. of 5s. 111d. Feb. 9, or any Tues- day; Fraser, alanchester-Hobhouse and Co. Bath, hankers; div. of id. together with first, second, third, fourth, and fifth dies. of Is., 2s., 2s., 4d., and 4d., on new proofs, any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol. Scotch Seguestrations.-Anderson, Blackdykes, Haddingtonshire, farmer, Feb. 5- Mather, Edinburgh and Glasgow, sheep-dealer, Feb. 8-Wright and Crichton, Glas- gow, tea-merchants, Feb. 3-Macleod sen. Leith, merchant, Feb. 3-Frame, Hamil- ton, saddler, Feb. 4-Taylor, Glasgow, banker, Feb. 5-Smith, Leith and Aberdeen, corn-factor, Feb. 2.