On the 25th September, at the relief of Lucknow, Captain Robert Maxwell Pakeu- ham, fourth son of the late Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Hercules Pakentmm ; in his 225 year.......
On the 2d December, at Belgaum, the Wife of W. H. Havelock, Esq., B.C.S., of a daughter. On the 30th, at Government House, Fredericton New Brunswick, the Lady of his Excellency......
The Foreign Guests At The British Court Left Buckingham...
on Tuesday. The King of the Belgians and his sons were the first to de- part. They were followed by the Prussian Princes; who do not yet quit England, but are paying flying......
On the 17th October, at St. Paul's Church, Landour, India, Captain Pinckney, H.11.'s Carabincers, to Emma, eldest daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Reilly, Engineers. On......