It was officially announced on Thursday that Mr. Sinclair, the
Secretary for Scotland, had accepted a peerage with a view to securing the presence in the House of Lords of a Cabinet Minister responsible for the administration of Scottish business. Mr. Sinclah.'s personal popularity has not safeguarded his transference to the House of Lords from adverse criticism in Liberal circles. In particular, the Manchester Guardian notes that a similar arrangement was repeatedly attacked in the last Parliament by the Liberal Opposition, whose view, as expressed in the debates by Mr. Sinclair himself, "was that, as the Scottish Secretary is the chief executive officer for Scottish affairs, and the entire power of administering the country is centred in him, it is necessary that he should be in the House of Commons.' Mr. Sinclair supported his speech by his vote, and took with him into the division lobby several other members of the present Government, including the Lor4 Chancellor, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Duces, Mr. Buchanan, an4 the Solicitor-General."