30 JANUARY 1909, page 9

Four Books Of Travel.

Tunis, Kairouan, and Carthage. Described and Illustrated by Graham Petrie. (W. Heinemann. 16s. net.)—Tunis is a very interesting place in the world of to-day, and Carthage......

Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich. By Ferris Greonslet. (A. Constable and Co. 128. ad. net.)—" Though I am not genuine Boston," Aldrich was wont to say, "I am Boston-plated." There is some-......

Makers Of National History.

Viscount Castlereagh. By Arthur Hassell, M.A. (Sir Isaao Pitman and Sons. 3s. Od. net.)—This volume belongs to a series of "Makers of National History" whioh is appearing under......