Possibly it will be alleged that Unionist Free-traders have shown
themselves equally fanatical, and it will perhaps be urged that the Spectator advised Unionist Free-traders to vote for Home-rule candidates at the last Election. If such a plea is relied on, we may point out that before acting as we did at the General Election we were careful to ascertain that there was no fear whatever of Home-rule legislation being intro- duced by the next Liberal Administration. We received assur- ances to that effect, the genuineness of which has been amply proved by the redord 'of the present Parliament. Unionist , Free-traders have always declared that they have a double trust to perform, and this position they have never abandoned. For ourselves, we will say once more that though we refuse to compare essentials, we should regard the destruction of the integrity of the United Kingdom as in practice the greater evil. The Union, once destroyed, could never be rebuilt. It is conceivable that a false step in the direction of abandoning Free-trade might later be made good.