30 JANUARY 1953, Page 13

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 155 Set by D. R. Peddy Clio,

Muse of history, is checking her records for accuracy and has asked for evidence on certain matters. A prize of £5 is offered for a frank statement by one of the following on the inside story of the sub- ject with which he is associated : King Alfred (cakes) ; King Canute (waves) ; Robert the Bruce (spiders); Dick Whittington (cats) Drake (bowls) ; Raleigh (cloaks) ; George Washington (cherry trees). Limit, 200 words.

Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received not later than February 11th.. Results will be published in the Spectator of February 20th.