30 JANUARY 1953, page 2

Balkan Defence •

The conversations M. Kopriilii, the Foreign Minister of Turkey, has been having in Belgrade and Athens, and particu- larly his rather guarded reference to the desirability of a......

Bargaining With Miners

The discussions on the coal miners' claim for a wage increase are progressing towards a possible bargain. The decisions at the National Union of Mineworkers conference on......

The Argument In Cairo

It is difficult on the basis of the meagre information leaking out from Cairo discussions to tell whether the talks between General Neguib and Sir Ralph Stevenson are going......

Evolving Africa

But it is the relation of the white population of Kenya to the Government of the colony that arouses most apprehension at the moment. The indignation of the settlers at what......

Mr. Dulles And Europe

A new American Secretary of State's first statement of policy is necessarily an event of some importance. Mr. Dulles has not always spoken with great wisdom „on foreign affairs.......