30 JANUARY 1953, Page 15


Sri,—May ,I correct J. F. 13.'s reference in his notes of January 23rd, At Westminster, to my supplementary question ? I was not pressing the Chancellor on behalf of old-age pensioners as-such. I was endeavour- ing to draw attention to the serious position of people existing on small fixed incomes. Many of these are old-age pensioners, if the words are used in their 'usual sense, but many are not, never having been in any contributory scheme. These people cannot exercise pressure on either the Chancellor or Parliament through poiverfuF organisations. Their plight arouses little comment or sympathy, as they are not headline news, and it is almost impossible in this modern age. to interest Parliament or the Press in people who can command no publicity excepting when an individual tragedy occurs. As one of a group of Members who have had to work extremely hard to persuade the Chancellor to agree to an increase of pension to widows of Regular Serviee Officers and up to date -has failed to convince him of the strength of the case for an increase of retired officer's pay, I feel the need for strong Parliamentary pressure to ensure justice. Of course the Chancellor is, in his unofficial capacity, as human as anyone else, but people on small fixed incomes are not having a square deal. My constituency has above the average of retired people, and I know.

So long as the Treasury extorts £27.000,000 a year in tax from people with incomes under £250, the hardship -of their case cannot have been properly examined. No one likes crude speaking in the House of Commons, but when concessions of all kinds, whether in increased wages or allowances, however justified, are given to some sections of the community; someone must speak up for those who have no organised body through which to make effective representations.

It is, of course, unpleasant to attack one's friends in order to emphasise truth, but then how can one arouse the public conscience ?

I am unrepentant.—Yours faithfully, IRENE WARD. House of Commons.