I. EmNoyed • but not coming back here. (10.)
9. An opening for cricket and tennis terms. (6.) 10. Prime Ministers might be mistaken for them. (10.) 11. Milton's at the door was two handed. (6.) 12. A mixture of sport and trade. (10.) 20. Varying water salutation. (5, 4.) 21. It's legal for itself. (5.) 22. Dolly changed (or shipping. -(5.) 23. It divides All in a Welshman's embrace. (9.) 26. They lack originality. (10.) 31. Got out when the ship was going forward. (6.) 32. " - walked between, with OYES upon his wrist." (Hood.) (6, 4.) 33, Nothing takes an abstainer away in Scotland. (6.) 34. What worlds-away (6, 4.)
2.- "Cry the man mercy; love him; take his -." (Shakespeare.) (5.) •
3. May be cold feet make them knock. (5-) 4. See 24. (5.)
5. The abstainer before-mentioned takes our change. (5.) 6. No Roman but found the way. (5.) 7. This coach is not a theatrical crammer. (5.), 8. One couldn't really get a Constable for this. (5.) 12. " My face, your flower, had pursed its - up." (Browning.) (6.)
13. Even after one s fifteenth year one can be one. (3, 3 )
14. Went first but too enveloped. (6.) 15. Here it is generally indicated by a horse. (7.) 16. A gentle 15.. (7.) 17. "This fell sergeant death is - in his arrest." (Shakespeare.) (6.) 18. In the usual musical manner. (6.) 19. Perhaps Ibsen made people believe in them. (6.) 24. 4. Clementine's father was one. (5, 5.) 25. Fish house. (5.)
26. " The ends of Being and - Grace." (E. B. Browning.) (5.)
27. The lump that entered. (5.) 28. Abolish. (5.) 29. Totally the converse of being exhausted. (2. 3.) 30. Tidy letter leather. (5.)