30 JULY 1881, Page 1

The funeral of the Dean of Westminster in his own

Abbey on Monday was a wonderful evidence of the affection with which he was so universally regarded. Churchmen of all shades, ranging from Lord Shaftesbury to the Master of Balliol ; Dis- senters of all shades ; Agnostics of all shades ; men and women of all ranks, crowded into the great Abbey, till it was full from end to end, to pay their last tribute to Dr. Stanley's memory. He was laid in Henry VII.'s Chapel, by the side of his wife, under crowds of wreaths sent by numerous and loving friends, from the Queen downwards, and among some of the most remarkable of the great historical monuments which the Abbey contains. He lies in the same chapel with the great Tudors, with the unfortunate little Princes whose story he so often told to humble visitors, with Addison and with Halifax. A memory of singularly serene sunshine will always linger about his name.