In both Houses of Parliament last night, the report of
Lord Raglan's resignation drew forth questions and answers from Lord Panmare and Lord Palmerston. In the House of Lords, the Earl of MALMESBURY in- quired as to the authenticity of the statements in the Times, which had filled him with great concern. Lord Pesistuas replied- " In answer to the noble Earl's question, I am happy to say that there must have been some error in the statement as to the resignation of Lord Raglan to which he refers. No such resignation has reached her Majesty's Government, and I am happy to think that there is no occasion for it. It is quite true that Lord Raglan has been suffering for a few days from a severe attack of diarrhcea. The first announcement which reached me of that fact was on the day before yesterday ; but late last night I received further ac- counts from the Crimea, in which I am glad to Bay Lord Raglan was repre- sented as going on most favourably, and I therefore see no reason at all for apprehending that his most valuable services will be lost to the country. With regard to Sir George Brown, I was also informed that that gallant officer had gone on board the Royal Albert for the benefit of his health; but, as the last account which I received made no mention of him, I am led to believe that he also is improving. During the time that Lord Raglan has been confined to his quarters and Sir George Brown has been on board ship, the army has been under the charge of General Simpson ; than whom there is no better officer, nor one to whom her Majesty's Government would in- trust the army with more confidence."
The Earl of SHAFIESBURY took this opportunity to say that he had seen that morning the Chief Inspector of the Sanitary Commission in the Crimea ; who informed him that nothing amid be more satisfactory than the state of the army at the present moment.
The medical officers and the commanding officers of regiments had joined heart and soul in adopting all possible preventive and remedial measures ; and he described the commanding officers as being, in fact, so many sanitary comtnissioners in the field. The harbour of Balaklava was constaotl cleansed ; and, by the admirable arrangements of Admiral Boxer, all the flit and offal was carried to a distance and destroyed. Sources of water had been discovered, and there was every reason to believe that in a very short time ample supplies would be obtained. In the House of Commons, Lord Patmsooros, replying to a question from Lord ROEERT Guosvmeon, stated some additional particulars. Lord Raglan's indisposition would probably render it necessary that he should not for a week or ten days take any part in the active duties of com- mand. During the interval, Sir George Brown would naturally have taken command, had he not been unwell. Government have reason to hope that Lord Raglan will in a few days be restored to his ordinary health. "The last accounts that we received were that he was considerably better." (Cheers.) In reply to Mr. FRENCH, Sir Woon stated that Admiral Sey- mour and others were not "seriously" wounded by the explosion of "an infernal machine" in the Baltic ; and that the Government are not pre- pared to carry into execution the scheme proposed by Lord Dundonald. Mr. CAYLEY put a question to Lord Palmerston respecting the Go- yerner-Generalship of India ; and, not satisfied with the reply, took ad- vantage of the motion for the adjournment of the House to renew a statement on the subject. The question was, whether, in selecting a Governor-General of India, the Government would abide strictly by the spirit of Sir Edward Lytton's recently-adopted resolution ? Lord Palmitosros said, that the Chairman of the Board of Diiectors had given him notice that on Wednesday next he should name Lord Can- ning as successor to Lord Dalhousie. That selection is approved by her Majesty's Government ; and that choice will fulfil the resolution of the House of Commons, by placing at the head of the Government of India a person fully qualified by his energy and intelligence for the discharge of the important duties confided to him. If the Government required addi- tional sanction, he might mention, without breach of confidence, that the Government of Lord Derby had so high an opinion of Lord Canning, that they were ready to have confided to him the seals of the Foreign Office. Mr. CAYLEY, in a second speech, closely questioned the fitness of Lord Canning, and warmly recommended the Earl of Elgin as the "fittest per- son to fill this high and important office."
Lord Petstsnsros repeated his statement respecting the mode of choos- ing the Governor-General.
"My honourable friend seems to think a third party ought to enter into this selection ; that it should be not only a selection between the Court of Directors and the Crown, but one in which the House of Commons should interfere. (Cheers.) That which he has said of Lord Elgiu does great credit to the warmth of his personal feelings and to his friendship for that noble Lord. I am the last man in the world to underrate the qualities of Lord Elgin. It is, however, a mistake to imagine, that when he took the Governorship of Canada there was a rebellion or any sign of rebellion in that country. Lord Elgin administered that Government exceedingly well, much to his own credit ; but he is not one of the persons thought ot as the possible successor to Lord Dalhousie."
In moving the second reading of the Partnership Amendment Bill, Mr. Boyvotus gave a comprehensive account of the reasons which have in- duced the Government to bring forward this bill and the Limited Liabi- lity Bill.
The measures were very well received by the House. The exceptions taken were that the bills do not go far enough. MT. COLLIER, Mr. Ms LINS, Mr. CARDWRLL, Mr. EDWARD BALL, Mr. CAIRNS, Mr. I. G. PHILLIMORR, supported the bills ; and expressed a great desire that, though not all that could be wished, they should become law. Mr. LOWE objeeted to the exclusion of small capitals. Mr. CARE GLYN deprecated hasty legislation on the subject. Mr. HOESFA.LL approved of the principle of the bills, but stated that the merchants of Liverpool and Manchester are opposed to them, and urged delay. Mr. W. BROWN, disapproving of the bills, took a similar view. Lord PaLmsorros expressed his gratification at the reception the bills had met with from the House. More restrictions have been retained in the bills than the Government think altogether necessary, in deference to great and strong prejudices ; and they are not wedded to these details. But he called on those who thought they had not gone far enough to make some sacrifice, by not pushing their theoretical opinions, in order that the bills may pass.
Both bills were read a second time without a diviaiou.
In reply to Mr. Monceros Atmore, Sir Gooses Lowis stated that the Civil Service Commissioners had issued circulars to the departments requesting to be supplied with the particulars of the examination required by each office, as well as with the list of all appointments subsequently to the order in Council. Those lists have been supplied, and an early day named for the examination. Salary earned during probation is paid even when the officer is rejected. In reply to Lord W. GRAHAM, Lord PALMERSTON stated, that on ac- count of considerations of health, a portion of the Austrian army has gone home on furlough, subject to recall at a fortnight's notice ; and for similar reasons some of the oantonmenta have been changed.