The School For Scandal, Which Is By No Means Such
a familiar spectacle in the eyes of the London public as it was a few years ago, was revived at the Olympic to such good purpose on the occasion of Mr. Wigan's benefit, that it......
The Obsolete Custom Of Taking What Is Called An "author's
night,"— that is to say, of taking the receipts of a certain evening in lieu of any other mode of remuneration,—is about to be revived in the case of Mr. John Saunders, the......
Co Quirt&
The performance of Don Pasquale at Covent Garden on Thursday brought back a pleasant memory of the time, some dozen years back, when this opera was first brought before the......
The Latter Part Of The London Season Will Derive Some
éclat from the arrival of Mademoiselle Rachel, who is to perform a series of characters at the St. James's Theatre, on her way from Folkestone to Liverpool, where she is to......
3,44 Uoir.
The leading concerts of the week have been those of the Philharmonic Society, the Musical Union, and the Harmonic Union—each of them the last of the season. The Philharmonic......
Pabislln Theansicals.
The English company who commenced performances at the Theatre Italien a short time ago found themselves last week in a most destitute condition through a defalcation in the......
Money Market.
STOOK EXCHANGE, PHID•1" APT1ERNOON. The lose sustained by the Allied Army in the late attack on the Retlan and Malakoff tower is now known to be considerably less than was at......