The lose sustained by the Allied Army in the late attack on the Retlan and Malakoff tower is now known to be considerably less than was at first imagined ; and to this circumstance the slight improvement of a in Govern- ment Securities at the commencement of the week was chiefly attributed. It is believed that the amount of the new French Loan will be 20,000,0001. ; but it is still questionable whether it will be contracted for_ or raised by national subscription. Speculative sales in our Funds latterly in- creased, in anticipation that the loan will occasion a temporary demand for money ; but on the other hand, there will be an augmentation of money early next month, through the payment of the dividends, and a distribution of 2,000,0001. to South Sea proprietors. There are also steady arrivals of specie from America ; and the continued satisfactory appearance of the various rates of exchange on the Continent removes the probability of ship- merits from this side. The variations in Consols this week have been from sel to 911. Yesterday they closed at 91 1; and are today the same, although they opened 1. lower. Investments have been freely made in Excheier Bills, and they have advanced 78., leaving oft' this afternoon at 21 4. The public have been also constant buyers of Reduced and New Three per Cents. In Paris the Funds have been rather steady this week.
The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 340,000/. from New York, 244,000/. from Australia, 108,000/. by the West India packet, and 91501. from Lisbon, &c. The exports have been light. In Foreign Securities, little has occurred to require particular notice ; and the transactions have been unimportant, with the exception of Turkish, Which has undergone several changes : it declined on Tuesday nearly 2 per cent, and was done at 84 as the reply of Lord Palmerston to a question on the previous night concerning a guarantee was not considered satisfactory ; they have since rallied, and are today 811 1. Danish has improved 1. Ve- nezuela is 1 lower.
lu Railways, the transactions have not been numerous ; owing chiefly to the little movement observable in Consols. Latterly sales have preponder- ated, causing a slight decline. The settlement of the account was arranged yesterday. Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and South-Western, are the same as last week. London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and North-Western, are 1/., Midland 15s., South-Eastern 108., and Great Western 5s. lower. French Shares have improved to the following extent— Eastern of France, 1d8.; Rouen and Havre, and Western of France, 10s. • Paris and Lyons, 7s. 6d.; Northern of France, 58. It is expected that a ta.i of 10 per cent on the gross receipts of railways will be levied in France, but that companies will be allowed to make an increase in their tariffs.
The English Funds are very steady this morning, and no alteration has yet occurred. Consols for Account are 91/. Exchequer Bills 21 4. The million return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 108,3101. In yoreign Stocks, Buenos Ayres has fallen 1, being 568. Turkish is better, and lies been done at 821. The contractors for the loan have been informed by the Turkish Government that the intention of issuing the remaining 2,000,000/. has been abandoned. In Railways there is no new feature'— Bristol and Exeter, 92; East Lancashire, 771; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 811; Landon and South-Western, 83k; North-Eastern—Berwick, 74.
e gnglish Funds have improved since the morning, Consols closing at 9i/ 1. Exchequer Bills 21 4. Exchequer Bonds 1858, 1001 1. In Fo- reign Stocks the only change is in Mexican, which has declined 1. Turkish has ,been very steady; it has been done at 81f for Money and 821 for Ac- Count. Business in all departments of the Stock Exchange has been very 'limited, owing to a thin attendance of members.
In Railways there is no perceptible difference—Bristol and Exeter, 92; Caledonian, 62/ ; Eastern Counties, 12k' East Lancashire, 76j; Great Northern B Stock, 127k; Great Western, t74; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 81k; London and North-Western, 101'; Ditto Eighths, If ; London and South-Western, 834; Midland, 7k; Norfolk, 514; North-Eastern—Ber- wick, 74-1 ; Ditto York, 51; Great Western, Convertible and Redeemable 41 per Cent, 99; East Indian 25k; Ditto Extension 131; Great Western of Canada, 22. Mine—Brazilian Imperial, St. John' del Rey, 28; Waller, f. Joint Stook Banks—Australasian, 84k; City, 354; New South Wales, 354; Oriental Bank Corporation, 381; Union of London, 291. Miscellaneous— Electric Telegraph, 181.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New I per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents B elgian 43/4 per Cents Chilinn 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents shut
913/4 1 911 2 921 1 34 4 2101 111 21 4 shut
85 8 100 2 93 5 102 4 102 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents
Peruvian 41 per Cents
Ditto 3 per Cents
Portuguese 4 per Cents
Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 43/4 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents
81 4 64 6 94 6 211 1 68 70 48 50 44 6 98 100 .89 91
18 8i I 85 7 87 90
Apropos to the disclosures of the dishonesty of Strahan and Co. in disposing of securities left with them for safe custody, the Times remarked that per- sons who had deposited securities with bankers were awkwardly situated : could they go every now and then and ask their wealthy bankers to show them that their paltry documents were safe ? might they not expect so in- sulting a proceeding would be violently resented, and their bonds and deeds pitched after them aa they beat a hasty retreat from the irate millionaires ? This implied challenge was immediately taken up by the private bankers in the City. A number of them instantly resolved to insert in the pass-books of customers this notioe—" Messrs. — respectfully request their friends, from time to time, to do them the favour of examining the securities de- posited with them for safe custody." And on Tuesday the bankers held a meeting at the Clearing-House, and passed this resolution—" That in con- sequence of a paragraph having appeared in the Times newspaper to the effect that it would be thought improper if any one demanded from his bankers the examination of securities deposited with them by him for safe custody, the bankers unanimously declare their opinion that the contrary is the case, and that they have always considered such examination as a most proper and businesslike proceeding." The Journal of the Ministry of the Interior has just given for the first time some particulars of an event that occurred more than three months ago at Moscow, which caused great consternation at the time, in connexion with the death of the Emperor Nicholas. The celebrated great bell "Real," suspended in the tower of St. Dean in the Kremlin, whilst being tolled for the Czar, fell, in consequence of the iron supporters giving way, and broke through three separate stories of vaults, killing five persons on tho spot, whilst five were wounded severely and four slightly. The accident made a deep impression at the time on the minds of the superstitious Russians, who regarded it as a direct visitation from Heaven in condemnation of the war undertaken by the Emperor; and processions were made, fasts instituted, and candles burned to the Panagia, or Holy Virgin, to appease the wrath of i Heaven. The bell is probably the largest n the world, weighing no less than 2000 poods, or 80,000 pounds. After three months' incessant labour, it has been swung again.