Chronicles of Cricket. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The pub- lishers, "by
the advice of one who has made the game of cricket a lifelong study," have issued these reprints of three once popular books on the game. The first is "Nyren's Cricketer's Guide." John Nyren was one of the heroes of the Hambledon Club. (There was a time when Hambledon played England.) He was born in 1764, and he tells of great cricketers whose names have for the most part passed out of the memory of man. It is a satisfaction to find that in the matter of betting there has been a distinct improvement. What Nyren tells would not be possible now. The other two books are Lillywhite's "Illustrated Handbook of Cricket," and "Cricket," by W. Denison. It would have been worth while to tell us something about those cricketers who wielded the pen as well as the bat.