Mr. T. W. Russell's Speech, Colonel Saunderson's, And Mr. W.
O'Brien's were perhaps in some respects the most note- worthy of the debate. Mr. T. W. Russell was very impressive. He showed,—what, indeed, Mr. Parnell had avowed weeks......
Mr. Morley And Mr. Gladstone Both Of Them Threw The
weight of their speeches into attacks on the Resident Magistrates, dealing at great length with the case, in which it is admitted that the Resident Magistrates......
News Of The Week.
Y ESTERDAY week Mr. John Morley gave notice in the House of Commons that he would move, "That in the opinion of this House, the operation of the Criminal Law and Procedure......
Mr. W. O'brien Was Very Vehement, Unscrupulous, And At The
close of his speech, effective. He calmly maintained that the tears shed over Norah Fitzmaurice are crocodile tears, and that there is no more connection between the Kerry......
Accordingly, On Monday The Debate Began, And Was Con- Cluded
on Tuesday, when it ended with a majority of 93 for the Government in a full House, containing, with tellers and Speaker, 644 Members (273 against 36o). It was not, in our......