A singular rumour reaches Europe from Africa. It is asserted,
on authority which is believed both in Suakim and in London, that a "White Pasha," with a considerable force, has appeared at Bahr-el-Ghazul, and is threatening Kordofan, to the great alarm of the Mahal, who is thus menaced in rear. It is supposed that this "White Pasha" may be Stanley, whose expedition to relieve Emin Pasha has been missing for many months, and who, after the most marvellous march ever made, has picked up a force somewhere, and is marching towards Khartoum. The story is so wild that it can hardly be false ; and if there is any White Pasha in that region at all, the pre- sumption that it is Stanley is very strong. He was last heard of, wounded and harassed by native attacks, not far from the Arnwhimi ; but he may have bribed or persuaded some fighting tribe to follow him, or have emancipated a large body of slaves, and with them have fought his way northward.