— Tolerance. By Phillips Brooks. (Macmillan.)—Mr. Brooks grapples with the difficulty,—How
can a man sincerely believe himself, and yet hold that relation to those who believe otherwise that is expressed by the word " tolerance "? If he does not solve it, it is because it does not admit of any definite solution. Perhaps the gist of his teaching may be best summed up in two or three of his concluding sentences :—" Tolerance is not a special quality or attainment of life so much as it is an utterance of the life itself.
We may adjust relations as we will; we may decide how far we can co-operate with this or that heretic ; we may draw careful distinctions between the various classes of opinions about which we differ, labelling some essential, and some non-essential. It is all surface-work ; it is all uncertain; it is full of mischief and of blunders ; it is always joining together souls which have no sympathy with one another, and throwing apart souls which ought to be parts of each other's life. Only a deeper vitality, a richer filling of our spirits with the Spirit of God ; an assurance of the possible divineness of human life by an experience of how richly it can be filled with divinity—only this can make us to be to our brethren, and make them to be to us, all that God designed." —From Messrs. Skeffington we have received three volumes of short discourses, each of which will be useful in its way Post-Mediaeval Sermons Recast, by W. Richard Villiers, LL.B., contains twenty-four sermons, adapted to the wants of modern congregations from the Conciones of M. Faber and J. de Barzia. These are for tho season beginning with Septuagesima and ending with Easter.—The Mountain of Blessedness, by the Rev. C. J. Ridgway, contains nine meditations on the Beatitudes.— New and Contrite Hearts, by H. J. Wilmot-Buxton, supplies the reader with "Forty Brief Meditations for Lent."—With these velumes may be mentioned / Manual of Confirmation, by Francis Pigou, D.D.—(here we have "Addresses Delivered at the Preparation Classes, on the Eve and Day of Confirmation, and at a First Communion ") —and Hear the Church : Lectures on Church Principles, by George Edward Jeff, MA. (W. Smith and Innes). —The Church in the Wilderness, by Rowland Ellis, M.A. (Skeffington and Son) ; and from the same publishers, Sermons on the Nicene Creed, by the Rev. J. W. Hardman.—The Fruit of the Spirit : Ten Addresses Bearing on the Spiritual Life. By the Rev. W. C. C. Newbolt. (Rivingtons.)—Bar-Jonah, the Son of the Resurrection. By the Rev. Arthur Beard, MA. (Bell and Sons.) —A Plain Commentary on the Minor Prophets. Compiled from Various Sources. By the Author of "Christ in the Law," &c. (Masters.)—Pulpit Parables for the Young. By the Rev. P. J. Forsyth and Rev. J. A. Hamilton. (Brook and Chrystal, Man- chester.)