News of the Week
t HE legislation necessary fol. the legal stabilization of : the franc was completed last Sunday. This is a triumph for M. Poineare, and. we express elsewhere our congratulations to France.: The new Chamber did not show last week any particular signs of docility in the way it elected its committees and, officers mainly from supporters of the Cartel de la Gauche, and the extreme Bight was known to be unfavourable to stabilization at this moment, On Thursday, June 21st, AL Poineare_ made a long and powerful speech, after_ which the_ Government and the Chamber couldnot:but hold together until the purpose in hand- should be_Hchieved. - In order to preserve secrecy the exact figures in the Rill and -in the Convention, with the Bank were not given'even;:to the_Cabinet on Saturday afternoon, but were first diVnlged to the. Finance Com- mittee of the Chamber in the evening. There the Bill was _adoptedwith one dissentient vote of a Communist. On Sunday the Chamber adopted the Bill by a majority of 430, and it passed to-the 'Committee of the Senate, which adopted it Without:amendment. , It was received again by the Chamber at 8 o'clock on Monday morning.
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