An Uncommonly Readable Volume On The Roman World, By...
Victor Chapet, translated by Mr. E. A. Parker, has just been added to Messrs. Kegan Paul's . imposing series entitled "The Iristory of Civilization " (16s.). M. Chapet is......
, Dr. Ronald Macfie Has No Sort Of Admiration For
the boyish type of girl of to-day. Neither does he consider that the Eugenists are doing a useful work for the race. Nor does he think that the body of man, which has changed......
The Government Of Quebec Lately Instituted A " Canadian...
Competition " and prescribed a dozen subjects for study. An outcome of this is an essay by Miss Dorothy A. Heneker, LL.B., B.C.L., of Montreal, on The Seigniorial Regime in......
In The Gardens Of Japan (7s. 6d.), Which Is The
new Spring Number of the Studio, we have about 140 pages of the most exquisite photographs and reproductions of colour-prints and woodcuts of Japanese gardens. There is also an......
The Reader Of French Country Life, By Madeleine Clemen-...
(Williams and Norgat,e, 6s.), will feel at first somewhat perplexed. A note on the jacket states that it is the work of the daughter of the famons M. Clemenceau, but a . glance......
Justice For Hungary, By Count Apponyi And Other Writers...
21s.), may be described as the grand catalogue of Hungary's grievances. At any rate, if there is any complaint Hungarians have to make - which is not embodied in one or other of......
As Monsignor Barry Tells Us That The Series Of Letters
collected in The Triumph of Life, or Science and the Soul (Longmans, 10s. 6d.), were planned, and many of them written, over 12 years ago, it is not surprising that their main......
Some Books: -off - : The Week Some Books: -off - : The Week
Dunixo the past month the bOOkS - most in demand at the Times Book Club have been Frarims.—Parezvell to Youth, by. Storni .Taineson ; Extremes Meet, by Compton Mackenzie ; The .......