An uncommonly readable volume on The Roman World, by Professor
Victor Chapet, translated by Mr. E. A. Parker, has just been added to Messrs. Kegan Paul's. imposing series entitled "The Iristory of Civilization " (16s.). M. Chapet is concerned mainly with the provinces of the Empire, and shows how each in turn was affected by the Roman domination. Mommsen's classic treatise 'on the provinces, though half a century old, is not superseded by this livelier. French book, but M. Chapet has used some new material to good purpose. His chapter on Britain is sketchy ; he moves cautiously in the pages on Dacia and the alleged Roman origin of the Rumanians. He is at his best in the account of Gaul, Spain, and Africa. At the close he raises the large and unanswerable problem whether the enforced " Roman Peace " did more harm than good to the many subject races. Was Ireland
the better for escaping it altogether ? .