30 JUNE 1928, Page 35

A Library List

HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY :-The Irish Free State, 1922-1927.

By Denis Gwynn. (Macmillan. 12s. 6d.) The War in the Air. Vol. II. By H. A. Jones. (Oxford University Press. 17s. 6d.)-Empire Government. By Manfred. Nathan. (Allen and Unwin. 10s.) -Myths and Legends of the Polynesians. By J. C. Andersen. (Harrap. 21s.)-The History of the Royal Bank of Scotland. 1727-1927. By Neil Munro. (R. & R. Clark, Edin- burgh). Aspects of Dr. Johnson. By E. S. Roscoe. (Cambridge University Press. 6s.)-Six British Soldiers. By Sir John Fortescue. (Williams and Nor- gate. 12s. 6d.)-Reminiscences of an Old Civil Servant. By Sir J. Arrow Kempe. (Murray. 12s.)-J. S. Bach. By C. S. Terry. (Oxford University Press. £1 ls.) MISCELLANEOUS :-The " Leg Before Rule." By the Hon. R. H. Lyttelton. (Longmans, Green. 3s. 6d.)---Philo- sophical Theology. By F. R. Tennant. Vol. I. (Cam- bridge University Press. 21s.)-English Prosody. By Sir George Young. (Cambridge University Press. 15s.) -Christ and Society. By Bishop Gore. (Allen and Unwin. 4s. 6d.)-Modern Roadmaking. By Harold Bradley and C. C. Hancock. (The Contractors Record Ltd., 329 High Holborn. 15s.)-Norway. (Ward Lock. 5s.) Annals of Niagara. By W. Kirby. (Macmillan. 17s.) REFERENCE :-Moneylenders' Tables. By Sir William School- ing. (Longmans, Green. 15s.)-The Property Com- panies Year Book for 1928. (Sinipkin Marshall. 7s. 6d.) The Road Book of England and Wales. (Cassell. 15s.)-The Advertiser's A.B.C. (T. B. Browne, 163 Queen Victoria Street. 21s.) NovELs :-Poor Women. By Norah Hoult. (The Scholartis Press. 7s. 6d.)-The Bewildered Lover. By Ward Muir. (The Bodley Head. 7s. 6d.)-The Flying Kestrel. By Captain Dingle. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)--- Children in the Wood. By Naomi Royde-Smith. (Con- stable. 7s. 6d.)