Dr. Trench, Archbishop of 'Foam, died at the Palace of
Tuani on Tuesday last, of typhus fever, after fourteen days illness. The Arch- bishop was brother of the late and uncle to the present Earl of Clan- carty. The Archbishopriek is extinct, anth the see of Tom will be united to Killala as a Bishoprick. Dr. Sadleir, Provost of Trinity Col- lege, is spoken of as the new Bishop.
Dr. Vignolles is not to be removed from the chaplaincy to the Lord- Lieutenant, as it has been discovered that his office is permanent.
Lord Ebrington is expected to land in Dublin on the 3d of April, and to hold his first levee on the 5th.
Several persons have been arrested on charges of being concerned in Lord Norbury's murder; but no satisfactory evidence of' guilt has been brought home to any of them. The greatness of the reward au- initiated false accusations.