Dr. Trench, Archbishop Of 'foam, Died At The Palace Of
Tuani on Tuesday last, of typhus fever, after fourteen days illness. The Arch- bishop was brother of the late and uncle to the present Earl of Clan- carty. The Archbishopriek is......
The Duke of WellinSlon has left town for Strathfieldsaye, with a waggon-load of plate and sauces, besides sundry cooks and footmen : to it is reasonably concluded that his Grace......
An Address Has Been Presented To The Archbishop Of...
by a considerable body of' the Prelates of England and Wales, in which they entreat his Grace to withdraw any sanction he limy have given to the Bill now pending in Parliament......
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31r. O'Connell arrived ill i tii ilitu 31:we:My efteer.00n. eceording to a promise conveyed - hi the l'ieviirsors in a letter in on the 2:ed itistent, to 31r. itay, lbeir......