Lord Palmerston was re-elected at Tiverton on Thursday, without opposition
of course, but not without an amusing scene. The Pre- mier is popular in the borough, and has it all his own way. In addition to the usual crowdolunteers paraded, and were drawn up
in f H ront of the hustings. having been declared duly elected, Lord Palmerston made a speech on general topics, touching lightly on home and foreign questions. Two points are of interest. After remarking on the support given by the Government to Mr. Locke King, Ile said : " We voted for that bill and there was a majority of twenty-eight against us. We shall also probably vote for Mr. Baines's bill.' On the foreign question he made one statement which will be significant to our readers :
"With regard to matters of the country,. it is not to be denied that the state of Europe at the present moment affords great subject of uneasiness and anxiety. We see on all hands nations under the direction of their Governments araiiieg, both in regard to land and sea. 'fliers are questions pending not only as to internal differences, but as to international differences also, which may eventually produce results that will lead to lamentable consequences. But we trust that the moderation of Governments and a due regard to national interests on the part of sections and parties in all those countries may, under the blessing of Pro- vidence, so compose and settle all questions that are at issue, that we may see the summer pass over without the occurrence of those hostilities which have been prognosticated to take place in the spring. We were told that in the month of March swords would be drawn and guns would be fired, and that Europe would be involved in the calamities of general warfare. March has already almost passed. The prediction has been transferred to April, but I trust that April, like March, will, according to the old saying, if it comes in like a lion go out like a lamb. ("Hear, hear," and laughter.) Let us hope for a continuance of that condition of international puce and friendship, which is so much calculated to promote the interests of all the European community."
When Lord Palmerston was about to retire, the notorious Mr. Rowcliffe made a speech after his old view, assailing the Whigs, the House of Commons, the Premier—every sentence being greeted with shouts of laughter. Lord Palmerston replied to the demagogue in that easy strain of banter for which he is distinguished, and which, of course, proved too much for his opponent. But all that can be said about it is, that Mr. Rowcliffe was amnsing from folly, and Lord Pal- merston amusing from his display of a kind of wit admirably suited to the hustings, and that the Tiverton people thoroughly apppreciated the fun.
The South Lancashire Liberals have held a meeting at Newton-le- Willows, and have passed a formal resolution to the effect "that the position occupied by Mr. W. E. Gladstone, as one of the first states- men and orators in Europe, the extensive knowledge lie possesses of the commercial wants of the country, the important part he has taken in its fiscal legislation, and the popular opinions he has ex- pressed on foreign policy, recommend him as a fit and proper repre- sentative of the views and interests of South Lancashire in the House of Commons." The prominent politicians present were Mr. 0. Heywood, Mr. Mason, Mr. George Wilson, and Mr. Thomas Baxley. Mr. George Wilson made the astounding assertion "that Oxford University, at this time, is not the constituency from which we should take our rising statesmen in a nation which exists entirely in the prosperity of its trade, manufactures, and agriculture"—and the "gentlemen of the cotton factories" cheered him