30 MARCH 1861, page 8


A BEMARKABLE telegram, dated yesterday, has been received from Paris. it states that "the Paris papers publish a telegram, dated Constantinople, March 27, asserting that in......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. THERE has been a tolerably active demand for money during the week, but with little fluctuation in rates. Money continues to be sent out to......

311istriln Arum.

Hit. COBDEN has written another letter from Algiers praising his own work in France. It is addressed to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. It is not so violent as. the......


On the 12th Feb., at Malabar-hill, Bombay, the wife of Sir A. Grant, Bart, Of a son and heir. - On the 20th inst, at 32, Brook-street, Grosvenor-square, the wife of Sir Reresby......

From The London Gazette, March 26.

Bankruptcy Annulled—Thomas Ellison, Liverpool, baker. Bankrupts.--John King, New Alreaford, Hampshire, saddler—James Harden Gates, Clapham, Surrey, builder—Philip Raphael,......

Prices Current.

BRITISH FUNDS. Friday. (Closing Prices.) Friday. per Cent Console 911 Bank Stock, 10 per Cent Ditto for Account India Stock, 101 per Cent 220 3 per Cents Reduced Exchequer......