311istriln arum.
Hit. COBDEN has written another letter from Algiers praising his own work in France. It is addressed to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. It is not so violent as. the previously published letter.
He says:
"The great feature of the recent commercial arrangements, to my humble ap- prehension, is their tendency to limit the power of Governments to disturb the amicable relations of the two countries, by making their friendship depend, not on dynastic sympathies, or the alliance with any particular Ministry, but, to borrow the sentiment of Prince Napoleon, on the union of France with the great English people.
"For the first time in the experience of living men, a large part of the popu- lation of the two countries will be invested with the most powerful motives for keeping the peace. Old diplomatic rivalries may survive, to find nourishment in topics of shadowy interest; and the relations of the two Governments may even be subjected to occasional disquietude from the resentments of statesmen who live in the traditions of the past, and vilio will accept with reluctance the new order of things. But I rejoice in the belief that the legitimate interests of an industrious people, rather than the caprices or passions of politicians, will, for the future, control the relations of my country with its great continental neighbour." The Great Eastern left the "gridiron," on which she has reposed during the winter, on Tuesday morning, and steamed up to Milford. "Everything worked perfectly, and this first trial trip was most satis- factory."
A messenger from the Prince of Wales had arrived at Chicago, with some presents for the Hon. John Wentworth, mayor of that city. The present consisted oftwo beautiful pointer dogs—a male and female—and two valuable Southdown sheep—a ram and ewe. The gifts were brought all the way from England for Mayor Wentworth, to be presented to him as evidence of the appreciation of his services, rendered during the Prince's visit. —Canadian News. Lord and Lady Palmerston arrived on Tuesday at the temporary residence of the Earl and Countess of Shaftesbury, Torquay. They were received ,by Captain Rodway and the Rifle Volunteers, and Major E. Vivian and the 'Volunteer Artillery, who fired a salute of nineteen guns as a compliment to the newly- appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. Sir John Watson Gordon, President of the Royal Scottish Academy, has been called by royal command to Windsor, to have sittings for a portrait of the Prince of Wales. Mr. John Steel, her Majesty's sculptor for Scotland, has also re- ceived a commission to execute a bust of the Prince of Wales, which his Royal Highness promised to present to the High School of Edinburgh in commemora- tion of his having presented the prizes at the examination in July, 1859. The Legislature of Tasmania during the last session voted a sum of 1000/. for the erection of a monument to the memory of Sir John Franklin.—Atatra- lion and New Zealand Gazette.
At the ordinary meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, on Monday evening, all business was suspended, and the chairman, Sir Roderick Murchison, after dwelling on the solemnity of the day, announced that, by order of the council, the meeting was adjourned to the 8th April, out of respect to the Queen, their gracious patron, and the memory of the late Duchess of Kent. The Council of the Society of Arts have given to the Female School of Art permission to hold an exhibition of fine arts, in their great room, in the Adelphi, during the month of June. The profits of the exhibition will be applied to the building of a new school of art. The Bombay Gazette of the '27th ult. says: "An Indian University will in a few days confer, for the first time, on a Hindoo the honourable degree of Master of Arts." The numbers at Rugby school this half-year are 473 boys, being 10 more than hist half-year. The highest number in -Dr. Worth's bead-mastership was 381; in Dr. Arnold's time, 375; when Dr. Tait, the present Bishop of London, was head-master, 491; in Dr. Goalburn's days, 466; so there are now 98 boys more than at the paiod of Dr. Arnold's death. The ex-King of Naples has been distributing decorations among the officers who came to Rouse with him from Gasta. His ex-hlajesty and the Queen have had themselves photographed in profile, as they are to be represented on the medal that is to be struck and distributed in commemoration of the siege of Gate.
Dr. Campbell, of Edinburgh, informs the Daily News that he received a letter From a gentleman in Montreal, dated the 8th instant, of which the following is an extract: "Anderson, the fugitive slave, arrived here a day or two ago, and called upon me. He will remain here till the first steam-ship leaves for England, when he will take passage in it. His arrival in England may be looked for about the 25th of May."
It is reported from Italy that Victor Eminanuel's three sons are to receive new titles, and that they will shortly be gazette(' as Count of Milan, Count of Turin, and Count of Florence. It is not doubted that besides England, who leads the way, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland, will at once recognize the "King of Mr. Richard Wilson Greene, late Baron of the Irish Exchequer Court, died on Saturday, in his 70th year. He was the eldest son of Sir Jonas Greene, for- merly'Recorder of Dublin. Called to the bar in 1814, his talents and industry gradually won for him the highest distinctions in his profession. Under the 'Governinent of Sir Robert Peel he was made First Serjeant. H was as Solicitor- General when the present Master of the Polls filled the office of Attorney- General, and in 1844 he was engaged in the State prosecutions when the law officers of the Crown had to contend with the most formidable bar ever mus- tered in the Dublin Courts. O'Connell used to say that his opinions had "the sterling ring of legal power." In times of great political excitement he enjoyed the respect of all parties, not only for his judicial qualities, but for his personal worth. He was elevated to the Bench by Lord Derby's Government in 1852. During the whole period from that time till his retirement about two months ago he suffered intensely from a painful malady. This, however, was not the cause of his death, which resulted from gastric fever, with which he was attacked about a fortnight since.
The ship of the line Algesiras, Admiral Paris, and the steel-plated frigate Gloire sailed from Toulon on the morning of the 20th to test the powers of the Gloire in heavy weather. A worse day could not have been chosen. The sea ran high, and a fierce north-west wind (mistral) was blowing. The Admiral re-
turned to Toulon about twelve, finding it impassible to stand out to sea, the weather was so dreadful.
Mr. Train opened, on Saturday, his new line of street railway, beginning at the
Marble-arch and terminating at Porchester-terrace. He entertained his friends at St. James's Hall, in celebration of the incident during the afternoon. The great annual race between the Oxford and Cambridge racing crews took place, on Saturday, from Putney to Mortlake. The Cambridge men began with a spurt, but they were beaten by a dozen boats' lengths. The race was won iu twenty-three and a half minutes.
The Spray, twenty tons, purchased in England by Mr. M'Pherson, of Hobart Town, had arrived at that city from Greenock, under the charge of Captain E. Wyse, an intrepid and able seaman, with screw of six men, after a passage of one hundred and twenty days, including detentions at Aladeria and the Cape, without having been once hove to. The following are the particulars of tEs remarkable voyage :—The cutter-yacht Spray lekLamlash, on the Clyde, on the 7th September, and having called at Madeira, sailed thence on the 21st, and arrived at the Cape on the 13th of November. After eight days' detention there she sailed on the 19th, and had an excellent run down to this port of forty- eight days. To the Cape she beat all the vessels that left England with her by ten days—sixty-five days being occupied in performing this part of the voyage. Her greatest day's run was one hundred and innety.five miles, and the shortest eleven. The crew all enjoyed good health on the voyage.—Australian and New Zealand Gazette.
A daily contemporary has published the following extraordinary story, which the annals of French crime can hardly parallel: At the Assize Court of the Isere, on the 21st of March, was tried for the murder of his own daughter, and the attempted murder of her lover, a criminal of no ordinary stamp. Benjamin Reynaud, the culprit, a man sixty-six years of age, with snow-white hair and beard—a man of education, respectable position, and easy fortune—is not a Brutus, thinking with barbarous virtue to wipe out the pollution of a Tarquin by immolating his own flesh aud blood, but a hoary letcher who killed his daughter from the vile motive that she was cognizant of his having been laughed at by one of his mistresses. This M. Reynaud went in early life to the Ile St, Denis de la Reunion, where he became receiver of stamps and taxes—a post of much consi- deration in the colony. In that colony he married, had five children, and lived for many years much respected. Ile returned to France a few years ago, and settled in a country-house at Clary, near Grenoble. His wife found the residence too dull, and without any positive quarrel, although she knew that her husband was guilty of many infidelities, soon left him to return to the colony, where she had married daughters. One of the daughters, Madame Gardilanne, a lady of free and easy manners, separated from her husband in consequence of a scandal the circumstances of which are not explained, and came to live with her father in Franco. That she, to his knowledge, had a lover prior to the one whom the father attempted to assassinate was distinctly proved on the trial. He, a Lothario of threescore years and upwards, notoriously intrigued with all the women in the neighbourhood whom he could influence by money, social position, or by that moral ascendancy which, notwithstanding his age, he appears to have been able to exercise for immoral purposes. One of his mistresses was a young married lady, a Madame Baudrand, the with of a notary. This 'Madame Baudrand, after becoming, much against the grain and with frequent remorse and repugnance, the mistress of the hither, was also the confidential friend of the daughter, and knew of her liaison with M. Lobinhea, a young receiver of stamp duties, who had lately come into that part of the country. It happened one day that as M. Reyuaud was expecting a letter from Madame Baudrand to give him a rendezvous, a letter from her to his daughter, Madame Gardilanne, came to the house when the latter was out, and the father took upon himself to open it. In that letter he found himself described as the "old one" (le time), whom she, Madame Baudrand, would contrive to get away for three or four nights, and she recom- mended Madame Gardilanne to make the best use of the opportunity to see her lover, M. Lobinbes, of whom she was so very fond. Hereupon Reynaud, as he admitted on the trial, formed the deliberate resolution of murdering his daughter and her lover and killing himself. He left his house, saying that he should be absent for three or four days. At the village of St. Mareellm he bought a brace of pistols, which he loaded, and a poniard. He wrote letters to his wife at La daughters, and to a son who Rdunion, to one of his married daughters, lives in England, tell- ing them of his intention to commit the double murder mod suicide. He fixed upon the notary and the advocate who were to wind up his affliirs after his death. Having deliberately made all these dispositions, lie returned in the dusk of the evening to his own house, where he found his daughter in the drawing-room. Not seeing her lover with her he observed that he had probablyarrived too boon, but he could wait. He then laid down the pistols and poniard upon a cheat of drawers, aid coolly told her that he had brought the arms there to use them; that one of the pistols was for N. Lolinhes, the poniard for her, and the other pistol for himselt. N. Lobinhes, who was concealed in an adjoining room, heard the conversation, and rushed out. Ile asked for pardon, remonstrated with Reynaud, and urged him not to commit a dreadful act which he would afterwards bitterly repent of. Reynaud said, "1 grant no pardon ; take a pen." The young man took a pen, aud was asked to write, "1 admit myself to be an infamous suborner." He threw the pen down and declared that nothing would induce him to write it. Reynaud then threatened to fire. "Give me a moment," said the young man; "let me say one prayer." A moment's hesitation ensued after this appeal, and Lobinhes rushed to a window and jumped out; but while he was jumping Reynaud fired and wounded him. A moment after he stabbed his daughter in three places, plunging the poniard upto the hilt, and leaving her on the floor speechless and dying. He then fired the remaining pistol into his own mouth, and the ball carried away a portion of the upper jaw, but without inflict- ing a mortal or even very serious wound. Meanwhile Lobinhcs returned up the stairs, and seeing that Madame Gardilanne was in her last moments, thought of nothing but endeavouring to administer to her some religious consolation. In a few moments she breathed her last, and the wretched fitther, when he saw her It with her bosom bared and dead, exclaimed, "She was a beautiful girl and charming mistress." For this enormous crime a Grenoble jury has found ex- tenuating circumstances—grounded, I suppose, upon the fact oh the book fides of the attempt at suicide; and, as the French law does not allow hard labour to be inflicted upon a man above sixty, the sentence is only simple imprisonment for life. Madame Baudrand, Reynaud's last mistress, is missing, and it is feared that she has committed suicide rather than appear at the trial.
In the week that ended last Saturday 1214 deaths were registered? a number which is very nearly the same as that of the previous return. 'the average number of deaths as obtained from corresponding weeks of ten previous years, 1851-60, and corrected for increase of population, is 1432; and the reduction of mortality at the present time to the extent,ot 218 deaths in a week below the estimated number is to be regarded as a very favourable indication of the state of the public health.—Register General's Return. "A working charge explosion took place at our Hounslow powder mills on Saturday evening, just previously to the cessation of work, with an unusually loud report, but as the material was in a very imperfect state the damage is unimportant, and, what is still more satisfactory, no person was in any way injured." Such hi the official report of an occurrence which was felt many miles from Hounslow, and which caused seine alarm. Intelligence was received on Tuesday that the Liverpool and New York liner Middlesex, for Liverpool, 1498 tons burden, foundered on the 10th inst. in the Atlantic from a leak caused by heavy weather. She had six boats, all of which were destroyed except one, in which the captain, eleven of the crew, and four
passengers were saved ; the remaining passengers and crew, fortY-five in number, were lost. The Middlesex was insured in Liverpool
The survivors escaped in a boat and landed on the Blasket Islands, off Kerry. As they were going on board the boat a very sad incident took place. A fine young fellow, named Elford Thorpe, a native of Carlow, was courting a young Sootchwoman, a passenger. They were to be united as soon as they should arrive in New York. When the boat was being manned this Thorpe got into her. She rose on the top of a sea. The young woman jumped in order to reach her, but did not succeed, and she fell between the ship and the boat and began to sink. Poor Thorpe leaped overboard, dived, and brought her to the surface, but the rope had been cut, the boat had drifted to leeward, and could not pull up to them, and the unhappy pair perished locked in each other's arms. On Thursday week, a horse, belonging to Mr. It Bourne, of Totness, performed a very extraordinary feat. The horse in question had been ridden by Mr. Bourne's clerk to Broadhempston, and on its way home ran away. Coming down Bridge- town at a great pace, without the rider, it made a flying leap over the Totness- bridge turnpike-gate, clearing a distance of eighteen feet eight inches, and a height of something over five feet six inches.— Western Times. Within the last clay or so an uncomfortable feeling has existed in Liverpool, caused by several cases of very malignant fever having occurred there. The facts, so far as they can be at present gathered, are these: Some time ago, an Egyptian frigate having arrived in the Mersey for the purpose of being fitted with some apparatus, one or two of the crew have been seized with fever of a most malignant type. They were conveyed to the Southern Hospital, where one of them died. The worst and in point of fact the only real grounds on which alarm could be built was, that the fever, or one of an exceedingly similar cha- racter, made its appearance almost simultaneously with that event among the attendants at the hospital. Some of the nurses were, it is said, affected, and, it is added, the house-surgeon and the chaplain, the former of whom is known to be ill, by the same disease. This, originating as it has done on board of an Egyptian vessel, has given rise to the rumour that the fever referred to is the Levantine fever—in other words, the plague—which has broken out on board that ship. The improbabilities of any such epidemic arising on the shores of the Mersey are rendered all but conclusive by all medical testimony ; notwithstanding which considerable anxiety has been excited .among the best-informed circles with respect to the alleged epidemic.