On the 12th Feb., at Malabar-hill, Bombay, the wife of Sir A. Grant, Bart, Of a son and heir. -
On the 20th inst, at 32, Brook-street, Grosvenor-square, the wife of Sir Reresby Sitwell, Bart, of a daughter.
On the 20th inst., at 118, Eaton-square, the wife of Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., M.P. of e daughter.
On the 22nd bast, at Glenarm Castle, North Ireland, the Countess of Antrim, of a
On the 22nd that, at Caliingwood, in the county of Stafford, the wife of Colonel J. A. Ewart, C.B., 78th Highlanders, of a son. On the 24th inst., at 33, Cadogen-place, the Hon. Mrs. Hay, of a daughter.
On the 24th inst., at 4, Harewood-square, the wife of William Clowes, Esq., of a son.
On the 26th inst., at 48, Eaton-place, the Hon. Mrs. Fredk. Byron, of a son.
On the 2nd Feb., at Agra, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Vernon Oxendon, Rifle Brigade, only son of the Rev. Charles Oxenden, of Barham, Kent, to North L., only daughter of Martin H. Gabbing, Esq., B.C.S.
On the llat Wet. at St. George's, Hanover-square, the Hon. James T. Fitzmaurice, R.N , son of the Right Hon. the Earl of Orkney, to Frances R. Ouseley, daughter of Sir Win, Gore Ouseley, K.C.B., LLD.
On the 26th inst., at St. Luke's Church, New-town, Southampton, Augustus Miller, Esq., of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, Malta, to Elizabeth, only daughter of J. T. Duffel, Esq„ R.N., Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, Southampton.
On the 26th inst., at Kingston Church, John Wynter James Gifford, Esq., Captain 21st Fusiliers, eldest son of the Rev. J. G. Gifford, to Margaret Hamilton, daughter of the late Rev. Frederic Urquhart, rector of West Knighton with Broadmayne. Dorset.
On the 19th inst., at Dunragit, N.B., Sir James Dalrymple Hay, Bart., in the 72nd year of his age.
On the 22nd inst., General Vernon, C.B., of Hilton-park, county Stafford, in the 82nd year of his age. On the 22nd inst., at Hammersmith, Robert Morrie, Esq., eldest son of the late Robert Morris, Esq., M.P. for Gloucester. On the 22nd lust, at Printed Lodge, Emsworth, Major-General David Anderson Gibeone, Royal Marines Light Infantry, formerly commanding the Royal Marine Artillery, in his 79th year, having survived his wife only seven days.
On the 23rd inst, at Abden H0088, Prestonfleld, Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson, sem, Esq., publisher, in his 81st year.